so here it goes..
ceritanya, hari ini grade 10 (combine class of 10A and 10B) lagi ada extra class accounts di AudioVisual room and not in our usual classes- gara2 too crowded jadi pindah ke ruangan yang lebih besar. The room's so big with lotso spaces. And if you step on the floor i can guarantee you hearing BUM BUM BUM like sounds. yeah.

so yeah.
first, i feel the vibration with my girls sitting near me (i mean all of the girls in grade 10)
i thought it was just footsteps of the wild grade 10 boys.
so yeah. i follow them by shaking my butt and my bod.
so the girls saw me and yelled "CINDY STOP SHAKING UR BODY"
so i was feel like it was NOT ME so i yelled back "NOT ME!!"
then i stopped. BAM! i feel like having zero gravity.
i was not moving, but WELL I WAS MOVED!
well. ALL OF US.
It was like a roller coaster. I know, kampungan and freako much. But it was.
and all of us (10A&10B) were yelling "GEMPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" which means earthquake, btw.
and we're like tidying up our stuff so quick with lots of expression like "FASTTTTTTT!!"
and yeah Ms. Aruna (our accounts teacher) was like "STAY WHERE YOU ARE"
and we're like "OH MY GOSHHH GET US OUT OF HERE!!"
hahaha we're so in panic so thats why :p
so, the AV room was in the 3rd floor. and our bags were in the 2nd floor (classrooms)
and when we wanna take our bags, Ms. Esther was standing by the stairs to guide us our way out. We're not allowed to take our bags. We have to at least get out of the school building before something fell maybe..?
hahahahahhaa it was funny. but it was super dizzy & crowded too.
as everyone were trying to get out of the building. before some bad things may happen.
and as all of us were running and running. Our physics teacher Sir. Pavan said
hahahahah thats kinda funny. And so does the other teachers!
Like, suddenly Sir Venky took all of his belongings and step outdoors.
LMAO. and i heard that our chemistry teacher was like drunk. confused.
hahaahhaa it was a very wicked experience. my very first.
it was funny and hilarious. yet too freaky plus creepy.
it was major awesome bcuz we were doing this accounts work.. and yeah!
AND FUNNY THING IS. everyone was blaming me for shakin my bod.
they thought i was the 'vibrator' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
well. no uh! :p
dan.. kayaknya bener deh kalau 'setiap bencana pasti ada hikmahnya'
i think that might be just so correct. i think i'm feeling that right now.
when we step outside the school building, its like a big snap in front of my head.
like a wake-up call.
nadia was like "i dont wanna die yet"
and angie was almost crying. she was freaked out by that earthquake.
suddenly i think of their words. they're just so right. imagine suddenly we have no more chances. as if today were doomsday. all of us were dead, killed.
i think from now on i am going to appreciate my life.
thank you for what He had gave me in life.
thank you of all my fortune in life.
thank you for all my friends.
my friends sure do take a lot of role in my life.
well. by means 'my friends' means ALL OF MY FRIENDS. even the ones they never feel like close to me.
imagine when the earthquake takes place. i was alone. i have no friends. running downstairs just by myself. i will just cry to the max.
but then, i have just so much people with me. its like suddenly i realize, i remember. all of the people i love.
suddenly i was like "i dont wanna die yet, if i have to, at least i wanna see Febry and Momma and Daddy first, please"
gosh. everything was so ruined.
but yeah. we have to thank God for at least Jakarta only got the vibration.
the epicenter was from Tasikmalaya.
I felt sorry for them.. heard 11 was found dead..
and heard that Tsunami will take place soon.
uh,, avoid the wavy beach.
okay.. i think this is too late for me to go online
and sorry for the so-ruined english
i know i have the worst english ever! dang flabbit.
1 comment:
whahahhaha ngakak gw cin!! bagus!
ini menunjukan bahwa guru2 universal pada bego22 wuahhaha SI VENKY EMG PALING KOCAAKKSSSS
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