Saturday, May 30, 2009


woopie we went to dufan on wednesday 27th May 2009

super gahule right? tau ga fotonya gimana? itu sama skali ga difotoin atau pake tripod camera loh! because we are gahule. we place the camera on the short walls of dufan..and click! picture taken.. this is the only photo i didnt look fat on.. haha. :)

i'm not in the mood to type the blogg... sooo i guess i'm done now.. :] super bored! kay see ya next time.. toodlessssssssss :):):):)

Monday, May 25, 2009


i miss twilight. so much. skrg udah mau bikin sequelnya gitu, New Moon.
mereka gaul banget deh! the gorgeous Edward.
Walaupun kata Angelina Adeline, RPattz terlalu jelek buat jadi that beautiful and no-words-for-that-guy EDWARD CULLEN. Intinya, Edward Cullen saking perfectnya ga bisa dijelasin dengan kata2 haha.

Nah ada Jacob Black. And unfortunately yang maen tuh si Taylor Daniel Lautner. Iya dia sixpack ato berapa pack lah itu. Tapi plis dong. He's only 16 and he gained weight to have the perfect-bod. As a werewolf, dia bakal sering2 ga pake baju. What a miserable life...
Tapi yaudah deh. Wish you all a very good luck on the movie filming.
I wanna be the part of it too :(

I just watched 90210, again. I've missed so much eps of it. So i watched thru
skrg sih baru sampe episode 19. (SO FAR) cuz maybe i could catch ep 20 in [V] Channel. hehe
I love Erin Silver. She had this unique style to dress herself. Annie is the casual one and Naomi is the glamour chic. Oh what a wonderful life there in Beverly Hills. HAHA.

Duh gue skrg trauma gitu di kamar gw. Masa kmaren ada kecoa pas di kamar!! aoooh gila skrg gw aja di ranjang ud clinga clingu gtu liat skitar. Aware of the cocroaches.
oohh iya today!!! i forgot to tell something...
hari ini HARI PENGAMBILAN RAPOT! yeah seneng banget when i figured that i'm promoted to grade 10!! and i got this quote from Hannah Montana TV Series: "Yesterday we were girls. Today, we're high school girls!" hehe awesome right.
Tp ada juga yang harus di-detain... hope they're just fine :)
and about me..
mood: random
level: 10
haha. Angie said i was so silver-y haha.
i miss having girls time! kay see ya next time! byeee

xx cindy

Sunday, May 24, 2009

graceila octavia ananta putri

hai pemirsa. jumpa lagi dengan saya Bernadette Cindy Marshall host kalian yang kalian cintai.
Sebagai presenter gosip, hari ini saya berkehendak untuk menulis post tentang Graceila Octavia Ananta Putri atau bisa dipanggil: LALA.

Sekitar 3 tahun setengah yang lalu saya bertemu dengan Lala di rumahnya panitia CISV (gue lupa siapa). Gue yang ga kenal siapa2x gataunya ada si Lala duduk d samping gue. Dengan semangat SKSD, gue mulai nanya-nanya.

Gue: Halooo, namanya siapa?
Lala: Lala.

Dan saya lupa kelanjutannya. Pokoknya intinya kita kenalan lah. Gitu loh.
Lalu, precamp 1 hadir. Kita ketemu lagi. Tapi sayang, si Lala harus pulang duluan soalnya dia ada tes masuk SMP gitu di Sanur. Wow saya bingung saya masi inget. Aneh ya. Tapi nyata.

Lalu, Summer 2006 saya dan dia akan pergi untuk program Village. Dan... kami mulai latihan nari bersama blablablablabla. Nah kok kita jadi suka ngobrol gue aja ga inget la. Kita ngobrol apaan sih pas itu? Gue kan ga suka Christiano Ronaldo. Jaman dulu juga belom ada Adam Lambert. ckck. Yaudah lah ya intinya kita keren. dan gahul. ya gtu lah.

Waktu silih berganti. Kita tumbuh menjadi anak remaja yang norak dan gaul. hahaha gue bikin post ini soalnya lala juga bikin post ttg gue. kan gue jadi ga enak. tp ga juga i love you very much lala hahahahahah :) oh iya pemirsa dirumah/dimana saja kalo mau liat mampir-mampir silahturahmi ke blog lala juga boleh.
tau ga si blognya namanya kok bisa gitu? soalnya gue sama Lala lagi chatting.
Previous blognya error jadi dia bikin blog baru. Sambil kebingungan dia nanya.

Lala: Cind tau nama yang bagus buat blog gue ga?
Gue: Gatau deh La..

30 mins later or whatever it is...
Gue: Hmm gue lg dengerin HOME SWEET HOME nya Carrie Underwood gue mau nangis sedih banget.
Lala: Oh LALA! itu dia! blog gue skrg namanya Housesweethome! yes yes

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan hari ini ato kmaren.
Gue: eh La gue baru ntn Lion King nih, Musical Show di skolah gue. Ada artis! ada Anjasmara loh!!! (HEBOH)
Lala: ITU DIA! Lion Queen! Blog gue namanya Lion Queen cind.
Gue: ..... : |

desperado bored to the max nih pingin nonton 17 Again sama Hannah Montana The Movie ha ha ha ha ha. oke oke deh Lala sayang gue ikutin lo ya. Byeeee


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


too much people get upset because of the AMERICAN IDOL 2009 Result. Adam should have won! Upset peoples: Angelina Adeline, Cindy Marshall, Wilson Kiantoro, Jonathan Kurniawan, Silvia Tan, Fransisca Devina, Kimberly Liem, Poli Hidajat (daddy), Titiek Irawati (mommy), Michelle Marshall (sis), Evan Jeremiah, David Teru and many other sweet tweets and facebookers.

Even, Kris said,""It feels good, man, but Adam deserves this," the Conway, Ark., native protested. "I don't know what to feel right now, this is crazy."

yikes i hate this. and this super man wrote (not by me), and btw this man ROCKS!:
I am totally pissed!!! No disrespect to Kris Allen when I say this because he is a good singer, but he should not have won. Adam Lambert was light years ahead of Kris when it came to singing. The thing that really pisses me off was that I bet you the reason Adam didn’t win was because he’s allegedly gay. The reason I say allegedly is because Adam has neither confirmed nor denied he’s gay. The “Christians” that watch American Idol cannot stand the fact that a gay guy would have been the best singer, but the truth of the matter is it should not matter about Adam’s sexuality. He is by far the better singer. The joke is going to be on those “Christians” because Adam is going to be more famous than Kris.

okay this is the hugest upset. ever. when Seacrest announced that Allen won, the judges applauded him, but NOT SIMON! yeah i love u Simon <3
Tho Adam Lambert lost in Idol 2009, he will won in his career, compared to Kris. Kris has no level compared with Adam. Even Kris has no level compared with Allison Iraheta (top 4)
okay im insane and getting mad now :( but oh well, i love u Adam! u rock!

Monday, May 18, 2009

hilarious biology

yeah people, i'm having the biology re-exam today and... i got 36/50 (at least i passed duh)
Biology seems to be the my lowest-result school subject hee hee
today was funny enough to keep my mood happy :)
But still, it wasn't really hard and i have to learn the whole book (Food & Diet, Human Reproduction, Digestion blahblahblah)
well in the other hand i felt guilty to wilson cuz i wasn't in mood hehe
lemme bring you through today

time: around 9.30
Mr S was roaming around and believe me the room was like a detention class where all the unlucky ones (including me) sit and do the test, and he went to Ricky. Ricky seems to be confused with a question. Mr S said= Hesh! Easy question you cannot do! CKCKCKCK

and guess what ricky answered (reminding exam was about human reproduction): I dont have sir..


well i guess Sir S is leaving Indonesia, going home to India and never come back here again.
okay well he's the richest teacher i've ever met anyway
okay this is weird

BY THE WAY! i heard there's an earthquake in L.A... 5.0?? Hoping everyone's okay and todayyyy david archuleta is back home to the states from Manila, Philippine with david cook
my love is growing everyday :D hehehe
okay im out of topic, tomorrow i'm having chemistry & english language re-exam
wish me luck guys
ich liebe dich (?)


Thursday, May 14, 2009

danny gokey sent home.

sup people. i have this shocking news that.. DANNY GOKEY was sent home this morning at 8 a.m (means 8 p.m in USA) and actually, STAR WORLD American Idol result is still in 2 and a half hours. But i twittered. But really, it was a huge surprise for me & angelina (note that she's my bff)

Wilson twittered:
feel sorry to danny gokey which he was sent home today.
I replied @wilsonkiantoro: Sup mate, kris has the 'face' and gokey has the 'voice' ughh reminder its a SINGING contest! But well, we <3 size="5">gokey for sure!

and in less mins Angelina texted me via Mobile Phone:
America totally lost it! i'm not saying this bcuz kris allen doesn't have a nice voice.. he has it.. but its juz not sensible 2 vote for sumone who is cute! HELLOOOOO.. Wake up call America!
this is AMERICAN IDOL! A singing competition! Not beauty pageant!

yeah right kris allen you beat ALLISON IRAHETA & most of all.. the one who had never been to bottom 3.. ding ding DANNY GOKEY! okay you are cute, but i'm disliking you right now.. sorry Mr. Allen

anyway.. haven't got any message from my sister FEBRY MARSHALL who's playing a role of NERISSA, a slave in MERCHANT OF VENICE (Shakespeare) Hey Hellooo people the slave is @ least pretty! (in the movie not you febry hahaha lol :p) just giving a quick message.
If the play succeed, congratulation you got an important role and i did remember in the MOVIE nerissa kissed portia for about 2-3x? did u kiss portia? rflmao
and ... if the play didnt go well, just dont be upset, there's always another opportunity, and you did the best toooo :) (oh yeah remembering the marshalls didnt go well on stage---- remembering what i did on stage -_-)

woo okay, i'm having Bahasa Indonesia exam tomorrow..
anddddddddddddddddddddddddd, i thought my freedom is coming soon as the exam is 2 more to go.. then i figured out i was wrong.. cuz why?
i failed in Language & Biology which is HORRIBLE i never did biology soo good cuz i dont really care what's inside my body or watsoever. but i'll try to score good on the re-exam, wish me & others luck.

p.s a lot of my classties they failed in Biology & English Language wooh we'll try our best =)


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

filbert. . . KOCAK

yak gini pemirsa
di suatu pagi hari tanggal 12 may 2009
suatu kejadian berlangsung ketika murid murid 9A sedang mengerjakan ulangan economics paper 1 (Multiple Choice Question)
Waktu yang diberikan= 45 Minutes
8.00 AM - 8.45 AM

aduuhh kok jadi sok2 misterius ala polisi gitu sih! oke. gini loh.

lensa peristiwa
skita jam 8.30-8.45, saya sedang duduk di kursi duduk sekolah saya. mengerjakan ulangan layaknya anak teladan (or not). trus gue ngintip2 anak2 laen dan BUKAN bermaksud nyontek loh.. soalnya gue dah kelar deh kayanya. org cuma 30 soal gtu trus cuma shade2x doank. HUH! apa susahnya! (nantang) hehe

trus.. depan kanan gue ada sang FILBERT LUKMAN, terlihat sangat desperado.
palanya filly kea tidurin gitu di meja (ga bermaksud horror). yaaa gue kira cuma tidur2an aja khas anak2 UNIVERSAL SCHOOL. Trus si Mr. Rana nyamperin filbert,

Mr Rana = "ARE YOU DONE!?" dengan suaranya yang galak nan chemistric.

Filbert, terlihat kaget = OHHH NOT YET!

yak itu sangat amat membingungkan pikiranku sampai sampai aku tidak tidur selama 50 hari (alah boong lebay gue kalo tidur kebo bgt). Trus kan ada break 10 minutes before our PAPER 2!
gue ama angel duduk di lantai (kesian si angel cakep2x gue suruh ngeleseh)
filbert juga duduk di lantai ga jauh dari kita (wah ketawan UNIVERSAL SCHOOL ga punya kursi ya? ga deng). a conversation broke out.

Filbert = GILA ngel tadi gua ketiduran
Angel = HAH? serius
Gue (eavesdropping dan dengan ikut2an nimbrung) ngomong = WOOOO LO BENERAN TIDUR ? JAGO!!!
Filbert = IYAAAA tadi gua tuh iseng2 tutup mata soalnya yang nomer 27 itu gua bingung jawabnya, mau mikir eh malah ketiduran. ampe Mr Rana bangunin gua gtu deh
Gua rada speechless = wooo jago lo fil :D gua salut! (ga gitu jg sih, malah gini) waawww keren ya lo pinter2 tp kren juga!

hahahahah intinya gw rada kaget juga soalnya dia kan anak pinter huahuahuahuhau oke deh c ya later tinggal 3 exams lg nih!! wish all of us a good luck

Marshall ->> sooo copycating febry :p

Monday, May 4, 2009


hey yall, it's exam dude, two weeks of torture (or not)
well, i made this quote -"gotta enjoy exam to score good marks"
i know this sounds pretty pathetic, but believe moi, if u dis-enjoy (i dont think this is even a word lol) exam, well u will not get good marks.
okay nuff said, lemme tell ya people!! (-_-")
and its time tooooo QUESTION & ANSWERS! whoohoo

Q1) why we should enjoy exam to get good marks?
A1) lets see. if you dis-enjoy exam, we knew we will get bored, any mentallistic and physicalistic body organ error
that focused your mind to hate studying *wth?*.

Q2) I don't get it, u just spoke Greek?
A2) No, i spoke German. Back to main topic please.

Q3) Okay, i don't get it. How would you score good marks by just enjoying exam?
A3) Wellll.. if you enjoy exam, and not think of it as a torture of your school life, you will automatically enjoy your studies too. So, just smile when u study!

Q4) Emm.. yesterday u told me the same thing "smile when studying". And I FAILED the test. Wait, are you trying to trick me here?
A4) Okay, i am not tricking you. well, LISTEN CAREFULLY. ONLY smiling doesn't help, miss dummy. u gotta focus on the subject, cuz when u pout while studying, u will feel annoyed thus u cancelled the study-time. So, do this ;
1. Pray before studying according to your religions
2. Open the books necessary (ex: books, worksheets, wtv)
4. Get rid of any distractions if necessary (phones, laptop, blahblah), study well
5. SMILE! yeah

soo.. good luck!

Q5) Thx so much, you helped me!
A5) Never mind, always my pleasure to help (or am i not helping? lol)

SO.... Q & A over! any questies? haha : )
good luck for tomorrow (examination) and always enjoy exam, never think of it as a torturing machine for yall..

Okay, wish you guys a really good luck exams

Bye Bye Bicycle!
cindy marshall