Sunday, June 27, 2010

my loves.

You have no idea how precious these people are to me...

mini pillow-like edible super soft sweets; marshmallows.

grade 10 (2009-2010)
mostly are fellow warriors since 2006.
just can't hate them.
i love you guys.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Moview: Toy Story 3

Honestly, Toy Story to me used to be one of the most uninteresting (:boring) Disney movies/films ever. Like, seriously, I wasn't a really big fan of it. But right after watching the Toy Story 3, I can do nothing but amazed, amused, name any synonyms of those mentioned words, anything. Tears rolled down my cheek. A lot. (cliche line. whatever.)

Let's start. (I know it's been forever since I posted moviews.. :p)

We all know in the first toy story, Andy was just a little boy with toys around him right.
And now. Prepare. DA DA DA. He's SEVENTEEN!
How did he grow up so freakin fast?
#superganyantai #yaudahlahya

Andy's a big boy now. He's leaving for college real soon.
And so, he has to tidy his stuffs up, clean his room (and give the authority of room-owner to his lil sissy, Molly) and where are the toys heading?
the options: the garbage, college or the attic.
he chose the attic. and Woody with him to college.
but by mistake his mom put it at the garbage area... dam dim dum.

and molly was given options too. it's either to be kept, or to be donated.
and she chose her barbie to be donated. that's simply sad. but who knows, things are better out there (MUAHAHUAHUAUAHUHAUHAUA #gasantai)

good thing these toys are alive.
yeah, so they're smart enough to survive.
and right before the garbage truck arrived, these toys moved to the box of donation.
and... tada... they arrived at THE SUNNYSIDE :D

Woody chose to leave. He preferred to be 'Andy's toys'.
But the others wanted to stay. Even Buzz. What a disappointment, Buzzter.
It's like heaven there. Barbie met Ken... The abs-tistic Ken (is that even a word?).. and the dream house... it's so gay though. With the scarfs and all that.
Met Lotso too. He's the purple strawberry-aroma-ed huggy bear.
He's not actually nice.

Woody left. And dang dang dang finally the kids came and voila.
Turns out it was a nightmare. Like eh duh, they licked the toys gosh.

Conflicts came along...
But at the end of the story it was really emotional and heart-touching.
There's this Bonnie girl, and she loves toys... So she's good.
Sorry for the super lame moview but seriously, watch it yourself.
You're going to scream "Hey this movie worth my money man!" HAHAHA
okeh deh.

Bottomline: I am rating it 4.9.9/5
For more review, click this link. It's rotten tomatoes. U'll love it.

P.S. This made me think about my old barbie dolls and other toys. Maybe at night they're actually walking around my room and wanting to be played around like I used to long time ago? Well... it's still a mystery and no scientific explanation for it (?).

Monday, June 14, 2010


I went to Villa Bunga Bunga, Puncak with my classmates (excluding Ricky & Verina)
First of all, since it's the 15 of June...
! It seems just like yesterday when I blogged about your 15th birthday! Link. Nggak bakal kerasa, pasti tiba-tiba udah umur 20 deh, or even 35. Gila. Waktu tuh ngga berasa banget yah!

HAHAHA. oke.
ke Puncak dari tgl 12-14 June. Ke villa gue sndiri sih, tapi seru banget.
Hari pertama masih santai, cuman main2 kecil2an gitu deh.

Kan kita dibagi tiga kelompok, karena pake EO outbond gt deh, jadi okelah.
Ada Eagle, Tiger & Wolves. Gw di Eagle sama Armaan (Nasib), Kimmy! :D, wilson, Ebeth, Claudia, CIPU :D sama Minhee. yang laen terpencar antara 2 kelompok itu wkkwkw

HIKING 5 KILOMETER. Muterin satu puncak. Bukan villa lagi. PUNCAK. gak sih, saya lebay. pokoknya 5 kilometer man. Udah capek banget. Mana kalah... Tapi ya. Ngga papa lah.
Mana si armaan smsan mulu... Ckckck. But it was all worth the energy ;)
Sempet mampir2 beli minuman. hHAAHAH. Thanks to cipsy aku ditraktir pocari! ;D

Group performance. Eagles bikin Dora performance. Oke deh. Ngga jelas.
Maen capsa sama Filbert, Gracia, Jody ampe jam setengah 4 pagi. Bangun2 encok.

Pake kaos kembaran semuanya.
Highlight super lucu;

Lagi di kamar.
Ada gw, fransisca, sherren, jonathan.
Jonathan lagi baca MMJ gw.
Belakang dia kayu (ituloh,yang di kasur kan suka ada belakangnya kayu)

Gw ama fransisca ama sherren diem.
Jonathan diem baca MMJ.
Jonathan tiba2 NGAKAK KENCENG BANGET gara2 baca MMJ.
Trus badannya kebelakang, DAN JEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!

trus.. yang tadinya hening..
jona diem. kesakitan.
Sorry jon tp itu lucu banget. HEHEHEHE.

Oke. trus books filling. pulang delay 3 jam. HAHAHAHA.
Nyampe jakarta jam 9 malem, trus aterin armaan naik busway, dan voila!
Pulang, baca book nya.. trus i said nyaw for like a lot of times. HAHAHA..

dan lusa gw udah cao lagi. AND ITS RAINING.
hoah. harus urusin Mandarin Expert lagi. Nyah... Yauda. No whining. WOHOO LETS ROCK ON!

Friday, June 11, 2010


pilih satu;
1) dipanggil-panggil terus sama orang orang yang kamu sayangin, tp kamu nggak suka digituin.
2) nggak dipanggil sama sekali. isolated. didiamkan. dicampakan.

ayo pilih.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Recycling (Update)

So far, gue udah mengumpulkan kira-kira buku-buku dan majalah yang udah nggak kepake sebanyak (kira-kira) 45 kg. Still counting, karena masih banyak orang-orang yang mau ikutan ngedaur ulang buku2 ini (intinya ikutan ngedaur), dan 45 kilo itu baru punya gue, masih mau ngumpulin dari seisi rumah.

'Ngedaur ulang' yang gue maksud disini adalah memberikan buku2 dan majalah2 tersebut ke pihak yang bertanggung jawab (baca: kasih ke pabrik daur ulang dan minta didaur ulangin). Dan kenapa begitu? Kenapa nggak daur ulang sendiri? Karena... Jumlah yang mau gue daur ulang terlalu banyak, takutnya gue malah salah bikin bubur2x kertas tersebut dan... malah ngerecokin. Jadi, ya gitu deh. Oke.

Makasih banyak, karena skrg gue udah dapet nomor telpon sama pihak yang bersangkutan, yang bisa ditanya-tanyain further detailsnya, dan sayangnya orangnya kayaknya super sibuk... Haduh.

Still crossing my fingers, moga-moga bisa deh :D:D hehe.
Jadi... Ikutan yuk!
Trust me it's gonna be beneficial for our mother earth. Kalo ngga beneficial jg, at least kita niatnya baik ;)

Oke deh.
Byeee ;)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010



I miss whip it.
I miss the pinoys
I miss the indos
I miss the badasses
I miss the whaddups
I miss the Jejemons
I miss BGF (best gay friends) in a good way
I miss having gleefest with everyone
I miss people saying 'Dastan' all fricken times hahaha
I miss jamming with everyoneeeeee
I miss the moments where the indos teach the pinoys bad words :p and vice versa

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


it's been a while since I actually blogged something.
internet's been acting crazy, so I had to find a solution.. and the solution was: mom's office.
hehe thank God the internet's super fast here.. so there are cool chances for me to update stuff.

okay okay. so how r you guys? i should really come up with more catchy greeting lines.. i know.
it really feels like holidays already. well it actually is... but remembering i have a test (still) on the 7th of June.. hmm. what ever. enjoy life :D

my sister's coming on 4th of June. in 2 days.
igcse's over soon. can't actually believe it. and yeah, I officially screwed up for IGCSE.
the last 2 yrs the teachers had been mugging up with the word 'igcse' all fricken times.
'if you blah blah blah you'll score more marks and get at least an A for IGCSE'
'show the examiner that you understand and then you'll easily score A*'
'igcse is blah blah blah'

and yep, those 'motivational' (or not) sayings seem like a total bull to me now.
i really don't know what am i going to be in future :(
i have plans and targets. but fears are approaching...
i need my spirits back :(
the spirits that help me pass through any type of obstacles.
seems like im whining now. stopping. hehe.

sooo there are a lot of plans for the summer! and yeaaah i'm STOKED!
i got 2 months hols before my departure. :).
going to spend some quality time with my bffs. :).
hope everything's going wellllllll :D kay theeen. updating more soon. bye!

hugs & kisses,