Thursday, August 28, 2014

10 Aplikasi Paling Berguna di Jakarta

Hi readers ku yang cantik cantik dan ganteng ganteng,

Berhubung Indonesia sekarang udah makin canggih, I'm going to feature some apps that I really like to use in Jakarta. Bukan cuman karena suka sih ya, tapi karena emang sangat berguna.

Gue akan taro ini sebagai nomor 1, karena berhubung internet di Indo agak lemot... Line tuh lumayan berguna karena temen-temen di Jakarta semuanya pake Line dan lumayan cepet untuk ngirim pesan. Apakah mungkin karena kuota yang dipake gak banyak-banyak amat? Plus all the cute stickers! Dan telfon gratis nya Line #pelitpulsa hehehe :)

2) GrabTaxi
Apasih GrabTaxi? Yang pasti GrabTaxi bukan perusahaan taksi (jadi jangan khawatir ya BlueBird, bukan saingan kok...) Jadi GrabTaxi itu adalah aplikasi pemesanan taksi, jadi sebenernya manggil berbagai macam taksi. Nah loh, jadi taksinya bukan blue bird? Yaaa... bukan sih, tapi tetep aman kok! GrabTaxi adalah tech-provider untuk para pengemudi taksi untuk alternatif meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. SO they are actually doing good to this country!

Karena GrabTaxi ada fitur 'share my ride' dimana kamu bisa share tumpangan kamu via sosmed, jadi keluarga/temen bisa ngelacak kamu ada dimana selama kamu didalem taksi yang dipesen melalui GrabTaxi.

yang pada penasaran, GrabTaxi itu asalnya dari Malaysia - sekarang udah ada di 6 negara dan 16 kota di ASEAN. udah deh, gitu aja. ke aja yaaa gais.

3) Nebengers
Gue sebenernya belom nyoba sih, tapi kayanya udah banyak banget yang pake aplikasi ini.
Tau kan Jakarta macet banget! Selain GrabTaxi, Nebengers juga bisa jadi a
Nebengers bermula dari sebuah forum dimana orang butuh tebengan, dan akan taro kriteria baik di twitter atau di aplikasi mereka.

#beritebengan #caritebengan adalah hashtag mereka untuk siapapun yang nyari tebengan.
Mereka sebenarnya juga sedang encourage untuk #sharetaxi di Jakarta, yay moga-moga Nebengers & GrabTaxi bisa ngurangin macetnya Jakarta...
twitternya adalah @nebengers ya guyss

4) Qraved

Qraved adalah aplikasi untuk booking restaurant sekalian nyari-nyari restaurant mana yang enak. Kalo kalian tau yang namanya Yelp di US, aga-aga mirip sih. Tp bedanya Yelp gak bisa booking, gitu ajah. Tapi lumayan useful lohhh dan I just got a Rp 100,000 voucher from them just because I used the app once :O

I think Detik deserves a spot in this list, don't you think?
Eventhough only our parents probably read it, it's pretty useful and always updated!


6) Path
I wouldn't say its useful for me, but indeed is for most Jakartans. Do you know that Indonesia is Path's biggest market in the world? With 2-3 million people to check in EVERYDAY and average of 5-6 million users to check in every MONTH. LIKE WHATTTT?

Anywaysss I personally don't like it too much because... it's the same as Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?
But! I do have friends that like the app because of the exclusivity of ONLY having 500 friends in that platform.

7) Zalora Indonesia
Zalora is originally European online shopping. Semenjak Zalora masuk Indonesia, banyak brand yang berburu-buru untuk memasukan produknya di website ini. Yang paling keren dari Zalora adalah sistem CASH ON DELIVERY nya.

Kamu bisa place order dan pilih Cash On Delivery alias bayar pas udah sampe, kaya pesen bakmi gm aja, hehehe. Gak usah takut lagi di kibulin sis-sis di online shop deh. I bought some items once and guess what! The items arrived within 24 hours :O Really awesome shopping experience.

8) Indokasih 

IndoKasih adalah website (soon to be an app) untuk cari dana untuk amal/charity fundraising. Agak mirip sama atau, tapi hanya untuk amal di Indonesia aja.

Keren yaa, jadi kalau kamu mau cari dana untuk membantu membangun sekolah di Jakarta (misalnya, amin aja deh) kamu bisa pake website ini, dan siapa tau keluarga/temen/pacar/mantan/camer/kenalan bisa nyumbang dan tadaaa! kamu bisa dapat uangnya deh.

9) LINE Let's Get Rich 

Let's talk about games! Kenapa seru? Karena ini adalah monopoly. Tau deh monopoly jaman sekarang pake hape gitu, tapi enaknya udah gak usah ngitung karena calculationnya uda dikerjain ama hape kita. Plus kamu bisa main sama temen-temen LINE kamu jadi bisa lawan mereka gitu.
Bisa 2-4 player, tergantung maunya kamu! Seru lohhh saya aja ampe ketagihan.

10) Waze

Berasalnya dari California,USA. Adalah aplikasi GPS untuk tau jalan. Berguna karena kamu bisa liat dimana macetnya, trus ada icon2 orang yang pake Waze gitu jadi bisa chat sekalian. Yang lagi jomblo, mungkin bisa cari temen/jodoh HAHAHA :P

Anywaysss itu dari saya, moga-moga rekomendasinya berguna semua.
See you in the later time!!

Cindy Marshall

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


!KAYAK! Never knew it was so much fun! Here are a few of my favorite shots at the marina. 

taken at aqua adventures kayak center, san diego, CA

Sunday, January 27, 2013

You will notice me
I'll be leaving my mark like initials carved
In an old oak tree, you wait and see

Maybe I'll write like Twain wrote
Maybe I'll paint like Van Gogh
Cure the common cold, I don't know
But I'm ready start 'cause I know in my heart

I wanna do something that matters, say something different
Something that sets the whole world on its ear
I wanna do something better with the time I've been given
I wanna try to touch a few hearts in this life
Leave nothing less than something that says I was here

I will prove you wrong
If you think I'm all talk, you're in for a shock

'Cause this dream's too strong and before too long

Maybe I'll compose symphonies
Maybe I'll fight for world peace
'Cause I know it's my destiny
To leave more than a trace of myself in this place!

I wanna do something that matters, say something different
Something that sets the whole world on its ear
I wanna do something better with the time I've been given
I wanna try to touch a few hearts in this life
And leave nothing less than something that says ?I was here?

And I know that I, I will do more than just pass through this life
I'll leave nothing less than something that says ?I was here?
I was here

- Lady Antebellum


posting jam 9.41 malam waktu San Francisco.
sering banget gak sih ngeliat waktu, tau-tau lah kok udah 2013 aja.
pernah gak sih tertegun akan cepatnya waktu berlalu?

aku inget pas masih kecil,
rasanya kok pengen cepet-cepet gede.
sekarang udah gede,
rasanya pengen kecil lagi.


kayaknya baru kemarin deh lulus-lulusan,
kayaknya baru kemarin deh berangkat sekolah bahasa di Cina,
kayaknya baru kemarin deh memutuskan pergi ke negeri Paman Sam,
kayaknya baru baru deh!

kok cepet banget?????????

Monday, January 21, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013


hey people! how's your holidays so far? school starts in a week (jan 7th) and uuurm i dont know if I should be excited or mourning for that! Haha

so these pics should sums up my christmas-new year holidays :)
so phoebe, lily, kent and I gathered at Phoebe's house to do gift-exchange!

thank you feebee :))

and then went to san francisco on the 22nd of December to celebrate my boyfriend and i's 8th month dating history. 

uniqlo photo booth! 

chipotle for lunch with my bubu

Christmas Eve Dinner at Redwood City :)
meet fluffy!
some asian thang y'knaw!?

christmas lunch at Panda Express!

merry christmas! xoxo

And after Christmas.... this is what I did.

SHORT HAIRCUT! HAHA YOHOHOH. yeahhh new years new change right? gotta get used to this new look naaah ah ah?

more pics 
New Years Eve fireworks with Kay, Josue and Liliana @ SF. It was freezing cold, but very lovely at the same time. Loved it!

by the bay bridge

hola amigos//

best spot along the road. Pier 3.

awesome people makes awesome time. 

So that's pretty much it! The end of my 2012, followed by the beginning of 2013.
So long, 2012! and yeah 2013 let's be friends!!!

love, Cindy.