Thursday, January 3, 2013


hey people! how's your holidays so far? school starts in a week (jan 7th) and uuurm i dont know if I should be excited or mourning for that! Haha

so these pics should sums up my christmas-new year holidays :)
so phoebe, lily, kent and I gathered at Phoebe's house to do gift-exchange!

thank you feebee :))

and then went to san francisco on the 22nd of December to celebrate my boyfriend and i's 8th month dating history. 

uniqlo photo booth! 

chipotle for lunch with my bubu

Christmas Eve Dinner at Redwood City :)
meet fluffy!
some asian thang y'knaw!?

christmas lunch at Panda Express!

merry christmas! xoxo

And after Christmas.... this is what I did.

SHORT HAIRCUT! HAHA YOHOHOH. yeahhh new years new change right? gotta get used to this new look naaah ah ah?

more pics 
New Years Eve fireworks with Kay, Josue and Liliana @ SF. It was freezing cold, but very lovely at the same time. Loved it!

by the bay bridge

hola amigos//

best spot along the road. Pier 3.

awesome people makes awesome time. 

So that's pretty much it! The end of my 2012, followed by the beginning of 2013.
So long, 2012! and yeah 2013 let's be friends!!!

love, Cindy.

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