questioner: hey cindy. what the f is mangga dua? weird name for a location..
answerer (which is mua): hey Qer, who ever you are. MANGGA DUA is a shopping centre which sells cheap stuffs. ou yea. actually its not THAT cheap but comparing it with the luxurious malls, just shut up.
kay. i went there (Mangga Dua, just sayin in case u forgot where was I) with Fransisca in my car. And Kenny (THE NEW KID, welcome, kiddo!) with his car stalking (erm, following i mean) my car. Then we stepped out of our cars and then get into Mall Mangga Dua. Theeeeen, Kenny said he was hungry. Fransisca was too (Everytime, eh?) So, we decided to eat A&W! Yeah, we did. Yummy? dont think so i was only scooping sundaes ice-cream into ma mouth. Hey it costs 5000 rupiahs tho!! Its like only 50 cents HA! :D
anddd then, we met Silvia in CINDY's shop! HAHAHAHA yeah not mineeeeee but.. okay :s
and then blah blah blah blah walking walking and i know this blog is getting lamer because none of you actually cares about my blog! :)
iya, intinya tuh kita ketemuan blablablablaa trus ketemu PATTY & HERRY! glad to hear that patty is home already. safe and sound. thank you herry. hahahahahahaha no offense coy.
and yessss i made them ate the green noodlesssss haha mirip es cendol sih tapi YUMMYYY right. well sorry for being lebay. rasanya sih sama aja ama mie biasa HAHA but it's green, made up of veggies. good job. and then my feet's like already begging me to die already. i was walking for abt 4 hrsss dayumn! yauda lah deh. ckckc. its just a quick jog! ; O
anddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd! my bestfriend wilson told me bout this "JEFF DUNHAM PUPPET SHOW"-thingy. its well, MAJOR AWESOMENESS! maybe some of you would know (or not) the puppet SUSAN who speaks in Javanese accent....... this time, it's a look-alike one, but yes THEY ARE NOT SAME. this one's wayyyy cooler! here's the pic

Jeff Dunham has 5 puppets (i guess) and this bone-skeleton one's is major funnyyyy and the name is "ACHMED THE DEAD TERRORIST" lmao! he likes to say 'silence.. i kill you!' and it was sooo funny just Youtube and write in the searchbox: ACHMED THE DEAD TERRORIST, with 9 million views.. omggggg funny funneeyy :D u reallly gotta watch em! woho
and nadia lee tought me to do the "this is buggy" thing. i know i know it now, its so lame to know it now. people would kno it 2 years ago. i know im lame! HA HA HA!
and yes my sister febry made me jealous she bought another bikers jacket. its like 1 million are you nuts!? wooh i want them too. hahehehehuehuauauhua okay nevermind just saying.
wohoooo and the best part of the manggaduaday is that... I BOUGHT NEW DVDs! :)
yeah wooh..
and mom's mini hotel or you can say GUEST HOUSE (?) is having its Open House!! yeay hehe well actually i dont really wanna come to the open house because
- i wanna go to that event- Jonathan and others, are they watching some movies? ughh i need some friends-time
-i wanna go to that JB's Fun Weekend with the CISVers
-i have some cheerleading practice. still cant remember the steps i know im not talented in dancing but i love shakin my booty LOLLLL xD
buttt... i cant avoid not coming, the minihotel is right beside my house, and with superbig connecting doors :| oh well, mom bought me new outfit anyway. dateng aja deh yang penting udah dibeliin baju HAHAHAHAHAHA err kay aku alaay :s
okayy enuff with the post i wanna watch hotel for dogs! love jake t austin <3 hahehehehauhuaua :)
and yes, RIP to John Hughes. tho i barely ever heard his name. but at least i know him now. His career: MOVIE DIRECTOR. i would like to learn directing with him anw.. he had directed HOME ALONE 1 2 3! omggggg i always love home alone. even my old-fashioned daddy. its like our family food during holidays. ooh. 2009 so much people dying, so sad. not lying. well why shud i?
okayy gotta goo i love yall.. sorry for being rude/annoying wtv it is
i love you!
-cindyyyy :)
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