Sunday, June 28, 2009

situation and condition around my place.

yall wazzap.

yesterday i came to Illy's house, Meruya. Dang it i miss her house so much! it's been a year or two since i went to there. so, yesterday was the Interchange Brazil-Indonesia's Welcome Party at Illy's. Gibran (Illy and Ka Gaby's little brother) is participating in it. The Brazilians were so awesome! I met Ka Nat-Nat there, kinda sad. She was supposed to be my leader before, but then, She switched to be IC Brazil's leader due to some prob... so, my leader is Ka Dhira. Its kinda complicated if you want me to tell why. ha.

the JBs were coming to the welcome party too. and the foods were just two thumbs up! yumm. lol.

o yeah, by the way, ini liburan but i dont get the 'feel' that this is liburan. man, i need some serious fun activity to do! bahkan, i wanna go to the malls aja ga boleh. my mom's office is still operating. so.. i felt kinda guilty sometimes, when i went outside. cuz my mom is working and i went wasting money. omg, i really wanna have driving license, unlimited money and a car. at least i can have fun for a while. boleh kan?

and fyi, school reopens in just three weeks! o man, this is an omen (bad sign). i'm so not ready to meet the teachers and works and stuffs. at least gimme the 'feel' of the holiday! :(
oh iya! temen gw, Josephine Vania lagi di karantina di Singapore. Jadi semua anak skolah di karantina gitu. Gara2 Swine Flu. Bukan gara2 ada yang kena sih, tapi mungkin.... ya gitu lah i have no idea juga. Moga2 kita doakan temen2 yang dikarantina sabar aja, oke :) emang sih gw ga dikarantina jadi gw jg gatau rasanya gimana. he.

eh yaudah deh blognya, tho i wanted to post more of my life. tapi kayanya, its gonna be a useless post if i do. -_- hahaahaha apasih! :p

kay see ya later

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