Saturday, June 20, 2009

prototype camp!

hey people! i'm back from the CISV prototype camppppppppp 2009 (16-20 June) yepeeey!
haha gimana ya campnya? seru sih. tp kalo mau jujur, pesertanya kurang aktif gitu kaya Prototype Camp 2007. pada diem2 gitu. tapi ya pasti adalah yang seru2x :)

emg sih, ga gitu dapet 'feel'nya prototype gitu. day 5 baru berasa. hahaha gue baru berasa nih, awww jadi pingin camp lagi :(

and the super cute kids in the camp! ughhh they're just adorable :) day 4 at camp, we're like having a campfire. we're like having so much fun (yes i'm the weird one haha) and limbo stuff.. so i was placed in PRESIDENT group with my group leaders Nadia & Ardy.

ya pokoknya PUPPET SHOW kt sangat sangat amat super GAUL. dan KEREN! jadinya kita dipilih lagi untuk tampil di OPEN DAY gitu tadi hahahaha. yawis lah ya.

yauda deh. see yaaaaaaaaaaaaa people.

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