Wednesday, May 12, 2010

cerita cerita pagi pagi

yay akhirnya bisa ngeblog juga! setelah berhari-hari internet super down down down down down. dan.. gue ngga nyanyi lagunya sky is falling down HAHAHAHA JAYUS MAKSA
well it's 13 may 2010, Thursday, around 7 am.

sesuai judul, cerita-cerita pagi pagi..hore.
Q: Eh si cindy mau cerita apaan sih kok ga mulai-mulai.
A: Cindy mau cerita ttg kejadian-kejadian yang baru terjadi. Yuhu.

Quick Updates:
Gue udah lulus! Well, the whole grade 10 sih. Tp... Wihiiii. Graduation was on saturday 8th may 2010. Declaring it as 'our independence day' HAHAHAA tho igcse emang masih berjalan... gak papa dhee :D

IGCSE is on the line. Did 2 papers.. 11 more to go. Ciayou fight ganbatte goodluck toitoitoi you guysss grade 10! (And everyone who's doing papers too...)

Kalo udah IGCSE... It simply means...that... HIGH SCHOOL IS OVER. SCHOOL IS OVER. IT REALLY IS :( I still don't know what i'm becoming in future tho. Arwwwraw. okey.

#4 Raditya Dika & Sherina putus... padahal they're like...the best couple of the year. I really love them. Hmm sayaang yahh. I hate seeing cute couples breaking up.

#5 Watched glee episode 18 few mins ago, and yeaayeaa it's getting better & better :D:D

hm just being random... i was thinking to post a new blog thing last night, but i fell asleep right in front of lapty. and yeah, i'm searching for a new name for my laptop. Lapty is wayyy too cliche.. and boring.. and common. help me find one? hehehe

so.. don't you just love hearing stories, where guys sacrifice their feelings and love for good?? and of course, it happens in reality too. i felt sad thou, but life moves on. sedih dengerinnya. well yeah.

BTW UDAH LAMA YAAA gak marshall-talk*! I kinda miss gossiping on my own blog. HEHEHE
Gonna blog more. hehhee pas itu gue belagu sok2 mau ngeblog di tumblr lebih sering, it turns out, kalo ngeblog disini mau sebanyak-banyaknya (thou people might read might not) i don't feel disturbing anyone. kalo di tumblr kan suka nongol di dashboard. ngerasa 'nge spam' HAHAHA. whateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev ;P

*marshall-talk itu suatu fitur di blog cindy yang ttg artis-artis gitu. gossip lah. HHAHAHA

kalo inget farewell.. sedih banget. the whole grade 10, walaupun mungkin ngga sama semuanya sempet kenal secara personal, i'm really going to miss you guys. you guys are like a family to me. lebay much? tapi beneran. secara gitu, kita dari lvl 7 (year 2006) udah ber50 (approx) terus-terusan. Dan yeah... muridnya nambah kurang juga dikit-dikit, kelas cuman 2.

kira-kira 10 taun lagi gimana ya? rencanain reuni yuk. hehehe.
gak tau nya semuanya udah berubah 180". Well maybe i blogged about this.. gak papa lah, im just re-expressing what im actually thinking :p
apakah 10 taun lagi gue masih toli kayak sekarang (amit amit)
trus nggak taunya di angkatan kita ada yang kawin oops nikah maksudnya hahahahhahaa lucu kali ya. ditunggu undangannya :p (lewat events fb HAHAHAHAHA)
kali aja ebeth yang pemalu dan diem2 ngga taunya gedenya jadi public speaker :D (y)
trus claudia jadi fashion designer beneran. well i always knew it she's a good designer kok :)
trus gue... beneran bisa meraih mimpi. AMIIIIIIIN :D
dan semuanya bener-bener turn out to be great people in life (AMIIIIIN :D)

walaupun angkatan kita udah di kata2in, di bilang 'worst angkatan of the year'-academically.
tapi, angkatan kt paling kreatif kan HAHHA :p
we got dancers (lots of them)
illustrators & designers
ballerina (wink at my bff ;D)
mozart :D
actors and actresses
WALKING CALCULATOR. ngga punya kan lo HA?HA?HA :p
karaoke people
bieber lovers & haters

okey gue sudah keluar jalur. intinya. I LOVE GRADE 10 :) (L)(L) and.. bye cinta.
Hugs and kisses,

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