Sunday, March 29, 2009

bangka trip

heyho gue dah pulang k Jakarta.
walaupun gue sebenernya gak mau sih ke bangka. soalnya yahh rada sibuk (lagu lama :p). tp beneran. I have to help Felicia and Angel to organize Maths-musical-concert! I felt guilty i forgot to attach the file to feli :p
and FYI, i'm not having vacation there!! gue d sana sembayangin akung (grandpa) and apo (grandma) gue. hehe. sama sembayangin grandma grandpanya daddy jg sih :D

well let me tell you my trip from the first okdokey!

26 march 2009

2 p.m nyampe BANGKA! airport was totally petite! and it was on PANGKAL PINANG fyi. hehe :), trus ke PARAI resort where we're stayin', and go to papa's family's house hehe :) pretty long time in there tho,but i just hear music through my blackberry. hehe. trus gtu uda lumayan sore, kita pulang k PARAI RESORT and....... well... sleep. btw besok tuh mustinya sekolah!! but me, michelle and my cousin Yakob just ditch the school. hehe :) actually we didnt insist to skip school. our parents thought since thursday and sat is school break , maybe the school will give some breaks or watever.

27 march 2009

morning, gotta wake up early!! kita mau k kuburan nya grandma grandpanya daddy .
we prayed and ate there. eheheh cool place actually. then we went back to resort and guess what i was going!!!! I WENT FOR MARTHA TILAAR SALON DAY SPA! hahaha :p
and i was going for LULUR COKLAT. i peeked the time and it was 1 pm. hehe.
my friends r in school and i was going for luxury! huehueue (okay this is nonsense leave it)
so we went sleep but we cant.
just ABOVE where we're sleeping, KARAOKE IS GOING ON.
ckck. KURANG AJAR. gue si jujur NYENYAK bgt. tp nyokap bokap gue engga.
gmn sih mamen!!! (freakish mode on)

28 march 2009
we went to my grandma and grandma's graveyard.
rame bgt kuburannya. tmpat umum ,, i see.
trus ya pray
and then
29th were flying back home to Jakarta!!

29 march 2009
and here i am,
sitting in front of my laptop
having conference chat with Feli & Fransisca
about the maths musical concert and blahblahblah.
heuheue. but we gotta enjoy
i heard that the fieldtrip is on tuesday.
well.. just see. :)

gtg.. bye!!

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