Thursday, March 5, 2009

after a week of non-online

guyssss,, it had been a week since my online date...this week had been really long for me tho

monday= school as usual, and went straight to RS Pluit to see angel's mom and her lil bro ..sooo cute, ><

tuesday= school as normal,the first day of coaching tho but fransisca went home and in the night.. she figured out that she was having USUS BUNTU wateva the english name is.. hope u well frans... :(

wednesday= fransisca had her surgery today, @ 7 am. hope u welll... pray first ok. :D andddddd the surgery goes well.. thx mr doctor :) and i went to RS PIK with kevin ramli and wilson to accompany her too :D

thursday= cant go to the hospital.. so angel and wilson visit her.. and angel was absent today... i guess she's having 50% sickness and 50% lazyness to go to school. ok then, so what i was guessing was right!!!! :D

and friday, its still tomorrow, cant figure the day!
" future changes"
- alice cullen


eh eh eh!!! Kambing Jantan the movieeeeeeeeeeeeee is the premiere nih today!!!!!!!!!!!
hi hi hi gw foto2 loh ama fransisca ama ramli (opsy i just cant stop calling u ramli instead of kevin! sorry!!!!!! hahaahah) and wilson
but im prohibited to put the pic in the comp
sorry :(

btw thats it . boredom is coming

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