Thursday, October 11, 2012

Roomie Edition: Happy Birthday Wai Kiu jeh

in case I haven't got the chance to introduce..
i have been living with this hongkanese female called Janice Nam- also known as the Vitasoy Girl (please dont hate me) HAHAHHA
(Busted! U googled the shit out of yourself, Janice. Lol in case you are reading this right now in 10yrs from now... I hope we're still friends and I hope we get to do business together la Hongkong-Indo. I wont corrupt your business don't worry HAHHAHAHA ok OFFTOPIC MOVE ONNNN)

it was Sunday Oct 7 when I thought of an idea of giving this girl a surprise birthday as it was her 20th birthday the following day. (heads up, Janice is one of the HEYILOVEMYBIRTHDAY population)
I made her think that we are not so into celebrating her birthday, infact- we make her think that we do not have that interests in celebrating her birthday. 
The thing is- I invited 20 people(maybe more) to our house during midnight to surprise her. No one RSVP-d to my Facebook MIDNIGHT invitation and our friend Kaan happen to....SHOW UP AT 9 p.m

Dum dum dum... Curious Janice is Curious. 
With the very lack of acting skills, I've tried my best (and nailed it,yay) to act as if Kaan needed to see me and talk about our upcoming event we are working on. She bought it. Teehee

After some hours making her believe that no one remembers her birthday, she went to sleep. Kinda hard to make her unconscious.... I need to actually lie by her side and pretend to sleep. Now I know how hard it was for my mom to make me sleep years back.... 

So after gathered people on the parking lot of our apartment- Turned out 13 people showed up :') THANK U guys and surprised the hell out of Jan- By breaking in her room with birthday cakes and singing. 
祝你生日快乐,roomie. from roomie.

glad u like the surprise though :) hope u had the GOODEST early moment of ur 20 yrs old. 
and hopefully u can be more responsible as u grow older HAHHA jk loh~ 

P.S = lei zou gan ma ye? 

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