Thursday, April 22, 2010

Digital Time Code 11:11

Apa sih artinya ngeliat jam '11:11'. Pasti kalo sekali-dua kali ngeliat ya oke deh. Tapi kalo sering, contohnya gue, pasti bertanya-tanya maksudnya apa kok liat sering. Dan... Jeng jeng jeng. Saya menemukan jawaban sakral tersebut setelah.. nge google. Hehehe. Sip. So here's the answer!
source: crystalinks

"Physical reality is a consciousness program created by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes, define our existence. Human DNA, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. Those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness. 11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of DNA.

You will note that seeing 11:11 frequently creates synchronicities in your life.

The year 2011 will have great significance and consciousness will evolve in full swing. January 1, 2011 we find - 1/1/11 which could be seen as 1111. November 11 - 11/11/11. This promises to accelerate consciousness toward 2012. Somehow it's like an alarm so that you wouldn't lost track of time.

11 is a double digit and is therefore considered a Master or Power Number.

Many associate 11:11 with a wake-up code/alarm as they see it on digit clocks and watches. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, our genetic encoded memories, that we are spirits having a physical experience, not physical beings embarking on a spiritual experience.

11:11 or derivatives of these numbers, 111 and 11, are digits that repeat in time thus a metaphor for reality as patterns that repeat in time for us to experience. This can refer to the rise and fall of civilizations, our personal experiences and lessons, loops in time. They are cycles of time that create and recreate following the blueprint.

11 represents spiraling twin strands of human DNA moving into higher frequency of consciousness. 11 represents balance. Once you see your numeric codes, you have activated something in your DNA codes and they will continue to appear until you 'get the message' ... it is 'time' to move on."

So, it is associated with human DNA-consciousness-etc. And it said, by seeing that digit of '11:11', you are told to be walking on a right path. Hmmm let's see if that's right. That's it for today! Bye! :)

Hugs and Kisses, C.

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