Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tips on how to be Eco-Friendly.

This may sound cliche as nowadays it's all over the internet (kinda-somehow)
But you can't say 'it's everywhere!' yet.
As yeah, not much people are concerned about what the hell's happening on earth and 50% to 75% of the world's population is actually suffering from poverty, diseases, lack of proper necessities available, and many other terrible factors.

So what can we do to make the world a better place? Just heal the world! There are a lot of little and simple things you can do, and obvious, little things can turn out to be such a huge beneficial thing. So, the eco-friendly tips are:
  1. Bike, use public transit, carpool to work, drive slower, keep your tires inflated
    One-third of all traffic is commuters. Use alternative transportation when possible. If you must drive, go slower with proper tire inflation. It saves both fuel and tires, and lowers emissions. It also saves lives.
  2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Compost
    Reusing packaging material saves more energy than recycling. By avoiding extra packaging, you save both energy and landfill space. Yard and kitchen waste (leaves/grass/vegetable scraps) are 30% of trash. Reduce this amount by composting. Also be sure to re-use plastic bags, or better yet... refuse plastic bags when you really don't need them.
  3. Conserve water
    Don't let faucets run. Never water your lawn at midday. Place a brick in old toilets. Take low flow short showers. Run the dishwasher only when it is full. Let grass grow longer. Plant native or drought-tolerant garden plants.
  4. Quit smoking
    Second-hand smoke is a major indoor air pollutant and health hazard. When you quit, both you and your family will lead longer and healthier lives.
  5. Don't use pesticides/herbicides on your lawn
    Along with nitrogen fertilizer runoff, these are major water pollutants.
  6. Keep your cat indoors
    Domestic cats kill over one billion small birds and animals every year (1 outdoor cat averages 40 kills per year). They upset natural predator/prey balances and eliminate ground nesting birds.
  7. Eat less meat/eat more local and organic foods
    Feedlots are a major source of organic pollution. Tropical forests are cut to raise beef.
  8. Lower your thermostat in the winter. Raise it in the summer
    Wearing a sweater in the winter and short sleeves in the summer saves energy and reduces pollution.
  9. Dispose of old paint, chemicals, and oil properly
    Don't put batteries, antifreeze, paint, motor oil, or chemicals in the trash. Use proper toxics disposal sites. Never buy more than you need.
  10. Consider the environmental costs of major decisions and purchases
    When relocating or changing jobs try to live close to work. Compare efficiency when purchasing new cars or appliances. Buy fewer things. Choose products with lower energy inputs.
  11. Volunteer/Lobby for the Environment
    Work locally and globally to save natural places, reduce urban sprawl, lower pollution and prevent the destruction of wilderness areas for timber and oil.
  12. Plant a tree with a child
    Take a walk in the woods, or plant trees which store CO2. Teaching our children to love and care for the planet is the most important thing we can do to insure the future of humankind.
  13. Wash dishes by hand in a basin, and then use the dish water for outdoor gardens.
source: click HERE
Not a hard thing to do right? Why wait if we can do it NOW? :)
Heal the world. Show your love to Mother Earth by being enthusiastic in doing 'green' acts. Every single day. By the way, happy annual belated Earth Day! Remember, little things do matter. :)

Thanks for reading.
Hugs and Kisses, C.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Digital Time Code 11:11

Apa sih artinya ngeliat jam '11:11'. Pasti kalo sekali-dua kali ngeliat ya oke deh. Tapi kalo sering, contohnya gue, pasti bertanya-tanya maksudnya apa kok liat sering. Dan... Jeng jeng jeng. Saya menemukan jawaban sakral tersebut setelah.. nge google. Hehehe. Sip. So here's the answer!
source: crystalinks

"Physical reality is a consciousness program created by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes, define our existence. Human DNA, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. Those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness. 11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of DNA.

You will note that seeing 11:11 frequently creates synchronicities in your life.

The year 2011 will have great significance and consciousness will evolve in full swing. January 1, 2011 we find - 1/1/11 which could be seen as 1111. November 11 - 11/11/11. This promises to accelerate consciousness toward 2012. Somehow it's like an alarm so that you wouldn't lost track of time.

11 is a double digit and is therefore considered a Master or Power Number.

Many associate 11:11 with a wake-up code/alarm as they see it on digit clocks and watches. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, our genetic encoded memories, that we are spirits having a physical experience, not physical beings embarking on a spiritual experience.

11:11 or derivatives of these numbers, 111 and 11, are digits that repeat in time thus a metaphor for reality as patterns that repeat in time for us to experience. This can refer to the rise and fall of civilizations, our personal experiences and lessons, loops in time. They are cycles of time that create and recreate following the blueprint.

11 represents spiraling twin strands of human DNA moving into higher frequency of consciousness. 11 represents balance. Once you see your numeric codes, you have activated something in your DNA codes and they will continue to appear until you 'get the message' ... it is 'time' to move on."

So, it is associated with human DNA-consciousness-etc. And it said, by seeing that digit of '11:11', you are told to be walking on a right path. Hmmm let's see if that's right. That's it for today! Bye! :)

Hugs and Kisses, C.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Last school field trip. Snow Bay.

Berangkat ke sekolah seperti biasa. Trus nyampe sekolah pake tas Iwan Fals HAAHAHA yang udah di mock banyak orang. Karena hari ini adalah hari Kartini, jadi di assembly ada yang memberi pertunjukan sebagai rasa tanda hormat kepada Ibu Kartini.

Ngumpul sama temen-temen di kelas sebelum naik BUS NUMBER TWO. Naik bus, pake sun block, nyemil, nyanyi nyanyi, ada yang main kartu juga. Dan tadinya Silvia gak mau ikut, karena dia emang gak rukun sama kolam renang, jadinya ya gitu. Tapi karena dorongan saya dan teman-teman, seperti contohnya, "Oi pia! Ikut lah, gak bakal renang ini, kita kan main-main, ini mah bukan kolam renang tapi mainan perosotan"
Seru kan!

Nyampe-nyampe sunburn, first impression: PANAS BANGET! Trus taro Tas Iwan di gazebo(lebih kayak tenda sih..)dan untung ada satpam!
Langsung deh, kan pada masih belom beroperasi semua mainan, jadi maen yang seluncuran biasa, yang pake ban(boleh satu/dua orang).
Pertama kali sama Feli berdua. Gw di depan, feli di belakang.
Feli: *no comment*
*ban kita di dorong mas-mas Snow Bay-nya*
Gw: *nyanyi* iiiiibuuu kitAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *jadi teriak sambil turun*
Krik krik krik. Oke deh. Rencana nyanyi di seluncuran: GAGAL.

Selesai basah nyebyur. Gak tau mau ngapain sambil nunggu mainan lain beroperasi, main Lazy River sama AngelFeliFransEmilySilviaKimmy. Muter-muter di Lazy River sambil bermalas-malasan. Trus ke FLUSH BOWL karena dibuka hore! Ngantrinya lumayan lama. Seru juga. Tapi Silvia kulitnya sedikit ke robek gitu kena edge of sth. Hmm.

Lalu, kolam Ombak di nyatakan ombaknya di nyalakan secara sah.
Saking udah gak tau mau main apa lagi, kayaknya seluruh Universal pada ke situ deh. Huahahaha.
Wah itu tepar banget disitu. Tapi Angel bener, disitu kayak lagi olahraga.
Guru fisika gw, Sir P, kayaknya yang paling bahagia sepanjang acara. Berjiwa muda, bagus itu.
Suasana di kolam. Pembicaraan yang teriak-teriak karena susah ngomong disitu.
Fransisca: "transverse right!!"
Sir: "YES! This is transverse!!!"

Lalu, Hurricane dinyatakan beroperasi!
Main itu sama Emily berdua. Serem dan seru banget apalagi kan turun nya langsung.
Trus gitu ke-dua kali nya sama Cipu, Emily, Fransisca & Emily.
Kan nambah 2 orang, trus mungkin jadi weight *force* nya lebih banyak jadi forcenya ya lebih kuat ke dorongnya, yang kali ini horor banget tapi seru extreme banget :D :D :D
Dan denger-denger guru fisika gw itu main 8 kali yang hurricane ini. Mantab.
Trus, karena super lama ngantrinya, main main yang ban sendiri sendiri sama Angel.

Ke lazy river lg, di foto-foto sama Feli & Pia. Abis di Lazy River, dua anak itu menghilang. Yauda deh lunch. Makanan nya gak buruk buruk amat lah. Karena masih pingin main, akhirnya diajakin Jona main yang ban itu barengan. Tapi kurang extreme karena force nya gak banyak karena beratnya kali ya(?).
Trus abis main itu, foto2 di kolam super joroknya Hurricane, di foto2in Feli (sudah ketemu dan sudah mandi orangnya)
Abis foto-foto, mandi, siap siap pulang.

Beberapa anak kena sunburn, dan ada yang pusing, ada yang sakit perut, segala macem. Tapi gw nggak kenapa-napa... Paling gosong dikit. Huehehe. Pas mau pulang, beli foto yang di foto in di Hurricane itu. Kayaknya lagi di scan-in ama Jacqueline deh :D. Dan aneh bin ajaib nya, hari ini gak kena omel sama orang itu. Kemaren juga. Ajaib dan aneh. Aduh seru banget deeeeh :D I am really blessed today! :)

Pulang-pulang di bus semua orang (Mayoritas) pada Tepar dan tidur semua. Kayaknya cuman gw dan Jonathan yang masih gak kenapa-napa. Sampe bikin sesi gossip malah. Tapi gak nyampe semenit udahan sesi gosipnya. HAHAHA. Pulang pulang, tas Iwan ku luntur! Kena ranjang dan warna nya merah krik krik krik. Pokoknya, next on my list... *wait for it drumroll thingy stuff*: DUFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN :D harus ya ya ya! :D

Dan pelajaran yg bisa diambil hari ini:
- Jangan suka nyerobot antrian (guru saya nampaknya tidak menunjukkan contoh yang baik...karena dia yg nyerobot hahahha lol)
- Jangan terlalu kayak "OMG INI KOTOR!" atau "OMG PANAS BANGET". kalo kau melakukan hal-hal tersebut, somehow jadi krik krik krik. Jadi, cincai aja

laaaaaaah ;)
- Kalo mau kurus, ke kolam ombak. Jamin capek. Perut jadi nahan. Makan jadi gak napsu. Tapi pas lagi ada ombaknya. Pegel pasti.
- Kalo mau difotoin mas2nya di hurricane, jangan teriak doang HAHAHAH ;p

Oke deh. That's it for today! Photos maybe later. See you people! :D

Friday, April 16, 2010

Kangen blogspot!

Hey blogspot! Aku kangen blogspot! Emang sih belakangan ngeblog di Tumblr, tapi... Jadi kangen blogspot. Balik kesini ah. Hehehe. Secara udah ngeblog dari taun 2007! Aku emang setia sama blogspot. Oke gak jelas. So what's up!?!?!?!

Omong-omong, berhubung kayaknya blog gue sangat suram dan blah blah blah, mau nge-upgrade (kalo bahasa lain-nya: Renovasi) blog ah! Supaya jadi gak monoton dan... Jadi semangat untuk baca. Yang nulis juga semangat! :D:D

Oh iya! Cuma sekedar informasi sekejap. Buku Raditya Dika yang baru udah mau keluar loh bulan depan! It's called... Jeng jeng jeng jeng *drumroll*... Wait for it... Wait for it... *Klise sekali pake drumroll btw maaf..* MARMUT MERAH JAMBU! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. HEHE. Beli ya kalo udah keluar di toko toko buku terdekat! Kalo gak suka baca, baca aja. Gak bakal keliatan kayak dork kalo baca buku itu kok, malah kayak orang gila lantaran baca ngakak abis-abisnya. Hore!

Ya udah deh, sekedar nyapa aja di blogspot! :D
Thank you and bye!