Saturday, November 7, 2009

my mother loves to goof around.

at red tomato, plaza indonesia.

mom: pak ini isinya apa ya? *menunjuk ke sebuah gambar pizza di buku menu*
mas adi (waiter): mushroom, cheese..
mom: bisa jelasin pake bahasa indonesia aja gak? cheese itu apa? *sok bego*
mas adi: *mikir* hmm......cheese itu...kayak semacam keju (?)
me: *chuckle* ma yang serius ah pesennya!

oke. pesen makanan DONE.

mas adi: minumnya apa?
me: aqua aja dua.
mas adi: gak mau coba minuman yang lain?
me: adanya apa?
mas adi: milksek.. *sambil menunjuk2x menu*
mom: Milksek itu apa ya?
mas adi: itu tuh minuman pake susu.. ada stroberi dan coklat.

ERRRRRRRRRR lol much. then i was like "mom stop goofin around" but whateva.
hahaha i went to EX & Plaza Indo. SO SO tired.
Met Fransisca and the people. twas fun!

yey bought what cece told me to buy. and i bought MAX VITA EYE CLEER vitamin.
its pure herbal and they said they can cure minuses and pluses. lets give it a shot :D

soooo see ya peops. i love saturday :)

1 comment:

Olen Riyanto said...

oh gosh milksek. gw ampe ngakak ga brentii!