Monday, November 16, 2009

another 2012 talk

why another 2012 movie talk? hmm so here it goes.
i've watched the movie twice (with my friends and daddy) and i still love it.
two thumbs up!! (y)

okay. my point. i've been observing.. and the result..
i think grown ups (adults) like our parents are less interested in watching the 2012movie.
and they said the movie will discourage them to live, like.. hopeless-thingy, as 'doomsday-is-coming-soon'.
but I see difference in young people.. like us- teenagers, young adults.. they are more likely to be encouraged.. to be a better person in life- before all the doomsday.

conclusion: elder people get depressed and turns out to be hopeless. but younger people get more spiced up and try to make the world a better place.

AND GUESS WHAT? Got this from and now its all over newspaper in Indonesia.

Jakarta - Senin (16/11/2009) Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Kabupaten Malang melarang masyarakat untuk menyaksikan film '2012'. Sementara, Ketua MUI Pusat, Amidhan mengungkapkan secara pribadi tidak ada masalah dengan film tersebut.

"Secara pribadi saya tidak masalah, asal film '2012' tidak diasosiasikan dengan hari kiamat, karena hari terakhir itu tidak ada yang tahu. Film itu juga film fiksi bukan kisah nyata," ujar Amidhan, Ketua MUI saat bincang-bincang dengan detikhot, Senin (16/11/2009).

Hingga saat ini, MUI Pusat belum mau menentukan sikap karena belum menyaksikan secara langsung film garapan Roland Emmerich itu. Rencananya, mereka akan mengkaji film tersebut dalam waktu dekat ini.

Di Malang, Jawa Timur, MUI Kabupaten Malang melarang film tersebut karena ceritanya dianggap menyesatkan. Mereka pun menilai '2012' tidak pantas ditayangkan.

MUI Kabupaten Malang mengimbau kepada masyarakat untuk tidak mempercayai gambaran hari kiamat. Apalagi film tersebut berdasarkan kalender Maya kuno yang meramalkan terjadinya bencana pada saat titik balik matahari di musim dingin tahun 2012. (hkm/hkm)

yes freaaaaako. its a movie and they at least warned us! it might be true, or it might be false.
like.. tomorrow, or even the next 2 hrs might be the end of the world.
it's a movie just telling us the prediction that might came true in the upcoming 3 yrs.
we have to know, right? humans are curious.
well maybe the movie will catch our (human) attention and try to make the world a better place to live.

yes. i'm done talking about 2012.. or not. well it's actually an interesting topic.
but im going to save it for next time :D
so.. ciao!


Leo-August said...

that is so freaaakoo , kasian yg ga bisa nonton hahaha

Unknown said... uda ntn 2x -_- haha weirdo adults..