Wednesday, July 15, 2009

demam Harry Potter dan Tweets Raditya Dika yang superkocak!

hey people! today and yesterday and... ya intinya gitu. i checked twitter and...trending topics was filled with HARRY POTTER HALF-BLOOD PRINCE aka HARRY POTTER 6 (nama super gampangnya, tinggal kasi nomer aje bo.)

trus... ada tweet Raditya Dika yang super duper bumer kocaknya. dia baek banget deh, kalo ngetweet suka maen2 ama pembacanya (orang yang ngefollow dia jg) soalnya kan kalo artis ga mau maen ama fansnya itu udah BANYAK BGT di indonesia.. soo.. here it goes.

his tweets today:
Kalau sequel harry potter dibuat di Indonesia: "Harry Potter vs Kuntilanak"
Kalau sequel harry potter dibuat di Indonesia: "Tali Pocong Harry Potter"
LOL RT Queenbeechun@radityadika harry potter berkalung sorban...#indonesianharrypottermovie
#4: BUAHAHAHAH LOL RT @nisarahmalia harry potter di dadaku #indonesianharrypottermovie #5: LOL RT @patvandiest Harry Potter Jantan The Movie... #indonesianharrypottermovie #6: "40 Hari Bangkitnya Harry Potter" #indonesianharrypottermovie
"Janda Harry Potter" (dari janda kembang huehee) #indonesianharrypottermovie
#8: LOL SAKIT PERUT LOL RT @ocaocca ketika harry potter bertasbih #indonesianharrypottermovie #9: Haduuhh sakit perut LOL hahahah @nunynunoy maaf harry potter menghamili istri anda #indonesianharrypottermovie #10: gue gak berani bayangin filmnya kayak apa. RT @alzakyky harry potter puas,, saya Lemas #indonesianharrypottermovie
God. That was fun. Gue ketawa sampe nangis. Hahahah. Sayang film indo masih dikit. Maaf ya heri poter, abis situ happening banget sih.

BUahahaha LUCU BGT KAN! :D eh tau gak, aku kan lagi nonton Inayah sama Nyokap. Sebenernya sih ga nonton 'bareng'. Nyokaey udah ketiduran dan gua masih maen laptop sambil liat2 nonton dikit lah. trus ini sinetron aneh abis. tadinya masih normal. then... there's this woman...dia menghamili anak genderuwo! omg... ckckc yaudah lah God knows which is good for entertainment and which is not... and by the way, this is the story of RICH MAN who had been marrying for like....MUCH times! :|

okay. nuff said. i checked on E! Online and.....found this! ha! betcha!

R.Pattz vs. Taylor:

Who's got the better Twilight character?

  • 64.9% R.Pattz! Edward Cullen is sensitive, strong and just so totally dreamy. Even if he does lead Bella into danger, and lots of it. Plus: Vampires sparkle.
  • 35.1% Taylor! Jacob Black's a loyal friend, and goes all out to protect Bella, whether his feelings are reciprocated or not. Also: Werewolves go around nekkid.
okay its 10.40 and Rajiv had gave us homeworks to do!! ah :( i mean like.. this is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL( FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL, fyi) and you gave us homeworks? dang! and yessss, in other schools they're HAVING FUN! aaah :( oh well this is the risk of choosing to go to school there HAHA. :P

okay see u next post dood
love ya

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