Monday, May 4, 2009


hey yall, it's exam dude, two weeks of torture (or not)
well, i made this quote -"gotta enjoy exam to score good marks"
i know this sounds pretty pathetic, but believe moi, if u dis-enjoy (i dont think this is even a word lol) exam, well u will not get good marks.
okay nuff said, lemme tell ya people!! (-_-")
and its time tooooo QUESTION & ANSWERS! whoohoo

Q1) why we should enjoy exam to get good marks?
A1) lets see. if you dis-enjoy exam, we knew we will get bored, any mentallistic and physicalistic body organ error
that focused your mind to hate studying *wth?*.

Q2) I don't get it, u just spoke Greek?
A2) No, i spoke German. Back to main topic please.

Q3) Okay, i don't get it. How would you score good marks by just enjoying exam?
A3) Wellll.. if you enjoy exam, and not think of it as a torture of your school life, you will automatically enjoy your studies too. So, just smile when u study!

Q4) Emm.. yesterday u told me the same thing "smile when studying". And I FAILED the test. Wait, are you trying to trick me here?
A4) Okay, i am not tricking you. well, LISTEN CAREFULLY. ONLY smiling doesn't help, miss dummy. u gotta focus on the subject, cuz when u pout while studying, u will feel annoyed thus u cancelled the study-time. So, do this ;
1. Pray before studying according to your religions
2. Open the books necessary (ex: books, worksheets, wtv)
4. Get rid of any distractions if necessary (phones, laptop, blahblah), study well
5. SMILE! yeah

soo.. good luck!

Q5) Thx so much, you helped me!
A5) Never mind, always my pleasure to help (or am i not helping? lol)

SO.... Q & A over! any questies? haha : )
good luck for tomorrow (examination) and always enjoy exam, never think of it as a torturing machine for yall..

Okay, wish you guys a really good luck exams

Bye Bye Bicycle!
cindy marshall

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