Wednesday, March 16, 2011


sorry for the previous annoying blog post i made.
I'm back in Beijing.

i'm not in intensive class anymore.
im in hanyu 222 ban. :D
it's so different from intensive class.
cuz well, there are only 10 people in intensive… and mostly are russian speakers, where my current class have lots of students from lots of countries. interesting?yes.

i cant deny the fact that i REALLY miss intensive class tho.
met a kazak friend today and it made me reminds of all the good times we had :)
reminds me of all the teachers. haha they were so silly but i duh love them

well im not hoping or expecting anything high from the class im attending now.
but well im JUST hoping everything will go smooth till the end of the semester ;)

and one more thing, i miss living in dorm…
the apartment's great, it's BIG. yeah its great. but it's too big for me.
enough space is..enough.
but well, ill just enjoy it for now :) my roomates are really funny too soooo ill just enjoy everything till im back in indonesia :)

and about japan's earthquake, let's just pray so the people there are okay.
ugh, guess im done for now.
see you till i write another post


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