Monday, January 10, 2011

1 september 2010 till today

first, before the introduction i would like to wish everyone a…
yes I know im a little late, whatev.
I just wish 2011 rocks! :) Okay.

I arrived Beijing on the first day of the month September. Everything was unpredictable. It was unexpected. But on the other hand, I loved every single thing that happened.

1. The People.

- I arrived here with a bunch of random guys I haven't even really met in Jakarta (except Hao- that guy was my schoolmate), and just like that, we became the best of friends in Beijing. We're like… one pack. Though some of them might find me annoying or Miss. Cant Stop Talking. But still, those people are my dudes. Without them, Beijing's dull. -> True story.

- My Korean roommate. Kyuri. The first time I entered that room number 217 in building 6 dorm, never thought my first roommate would be Asian. Yes, I thought I was expecting Western people with brunette hair colors or something. Okay.
The first months were usual. But as time goes by, she instantly became my family. She's like a sister to me. But yet like a best friend too. And, she's like my Chinese teacher too. She really helped me improve Chinese :)
And I bought a heart-shaped IKEA doll just like hers, so that whenever I see that red-colored fluffy thing, it would remind me that I used to have a really nice roommate :) Too bad on the 15th of Jan, she's leaving for Korea and not coming back to Beijing :( Moving on…

- 强化112班
First, I should be thankful for all the teachers. They worked hard, they were amazing, and will always be.
刘畅老师,张老师,丽娜老师,田老师,yu 老师, pan 老师, bai 老师. 谢谢你们!!

And then, I thank these best-class-friends:
Andrian, Yesset, Nomin & Ayala. I love you guys. So much. You guys rocked our class! And thank you for the other classmates too. :) Hope to see everyone again :)

- friends.
I might not mention everyone so this is the part where I will mention 'everyone'. Geddit? *Awkward silence*… What I meant is, that the friends, although they're not my bestfriends that I went to hangout with every time, are special too. the japanese, the koreans, the thais, the kazakhs, the indonesians, i wonder if they're not there. Beijing's not gonna feel as colorful as it is.

2. The Foods.
I wish I could say bad things about the foods but I just can't.
Well I can't deny that Indonesia has the best local cuisine, but since it's Beijing right now, I'll tell you about the food anyway >:).

The dishes in restaurants might be a little oily. Okay scratch that. It is super duper oily. But yes, we're still eating them because… they're eatable? (And delicious)
Like the little warung(?) in front of the East Gate of my school. They serve the best beef fried rice in Beijing. I'm serious. Big plates, cheap. And they're dumplings. Hmm. I could taste heaven there. Yes, a little exaggerating but whatev.

What else…
Ah, Malatang. It's like skewers but with peanut sauce. I can't describe it but it's super good. And you don't have to pay lots. And it's just across the road. *drooling*

If you're up for Italian foods, order Annie's Pizza. They even indirectly serve us when it's 'delivery service'. They got the best Ravioli in town. Their pizza are delightful, not to mention the fettucini. My roommate and I love Annie's. Nyehee.

Local Chinese restaurants. They all look the same but sometimes they actually taste good! Even the one inside the school area, Hui Yuan. I actually love it there.
And the one next to the Holiland bakery, which Indonesians called it 'Nobita' --> I don't know why….

Ah! MILK TEAS. THEY ROCKED MY WORLD. Sorry for (again) exaggerating, but yes. The first few weeks in Beijing, I can't stop buying bottles of milk teas, or the ones on the milk tea bars like Fruitime or Happy Lemon. I like fruitime better tho… It's at the East Gate of UIBE.

Taiwanese Triangle Cake. Im not sure if the name's right but whatever. They got the chocolate fillings, green tea, red bean, and they're only 5yuan each. They're good. And fattening.

One more. Lucky Taste bakery. They're so original. And I love their breads. Food session over. Now coming to Factor #3.

3. Shopping.
I don't know why but they always have good clothes. Hmm.

Well actually there are lots of factors that made me feel like Beijing rocks. Some people might actually hate China because it's gross, but try to love something that you think it's not supposed to be loved. Then voila. Hmm okay I don't even know what to say after 'voila'. I suck. Haha.

Anyways, I am not currently in dorm anymore. I've moved to a really pretty apartment in Shaoyaoju with my friends, Flo & Fanni. But since they're back in Indonesia now, the apartment felt a little silent. I miss them.
So yes, my korean roommate (i still call her 'my roommate because she will always be *aww*) is still in town before she leaves Beijing and not coming back :( (there are possibilities tho)

And some of my classmates (including Andrian) 已经回国了 so now you see my sadness :( well i still got two of my bestbuds (vicky &sun2) in Beijing so it's cool.
anyway, 4 months in Beijing had really been an amazing journey for a teenager with no legal ID nor parental guidance.

So thus, I am just updating my blog since I haven't write any posts in months.
And just letting know my readers (?) that I'm not dead. Just haven't wrote anything in a while. Hehe.

So… Bye.

P.S i got myself a pair of wedges just like the one i posted before! woot woot

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