Thursday, March 11, 2010

grade ten

graduation is coming super fast.. first board exam, and then graduation, and then IGCSE, and then the last final good bye. I dont think time really 'flies'. I think it just disappears. Blink, and then.. yeah.

have u ever wonder what is going to happen to all of us (grade ten students) after we graduated? are we still going to keep in touch... or not? it's actually one of my greatest fear, but life goes on right.. so yup.

i am going to miss grade 10. Too bad, my wish for the whole grade ten to be ONE seems to be quite impossible.... but as long as everyone has their good friends with them, it's cool then :). But yeah, let's make this year an amazzzzzing year, unforgettable etc,etc,etc.

Like... I am not going to wake up at 6 anymore, all those hectic morning activities, then going to school with either Pak Somat or Dad.. and then met all those friends in the class.. going to assembly, passes that big-unreal-elephant by the hall... reading the school prayer everyday, going back to class... and then sitting in the class, when it's monday we know we have to go to the computer lab, and then there i would sit with silvia, when it's tuesday we know some has to go to lit class in 10B, and then some would go to physics class with sir pavan. on wednesday, thurday,friday.. and saturday classes. hmm. i am going to miss school.. a lot.

in class, i am going to miss talking to my peeps: angie,fransisca,feli,pia,kimmy,verina,emily. morning jokes.. are always cheesy,right? :p.

I am going to miss Pia mocking at my fringe. Ah, scratch that. I am going to miss EVERYONE mocking at my fringe. hahaha. I am going to miss calling Jonathan my 'twinnie' and having some girly-talks to him. ahh he's like the best guyfriend ever. Talking to Dave about some illustrating-stuff, Jody about korean dances, bullying kenny (kidding!:p), talking to feli about random stuff till i laugh, talking to fransisca, having some advices from Angie, random chatting with wilson, going to miss human calculator too-> filbert (math-genius), ricky the bule :p, i am going to miss the silence of claudia and ebeth too, and the annoyance of armaan, hahaha. bottomline: I am going to miss evryone!!

hugs and kizzzzzes


Anonymous said...

huaaa, knapa pada nge blog ttg ginian sih. ikutan sedih gw :( anywayy, thanks for being my craziest friend ever. i'm gonna miss u so my pasar baroe friend :( huhuu. 143 forever :) muahh

Unknown said...

awww feli :)