Sunday, August 16, 2009

'serious' post s

hey! finally gue inget mau tulis apa. Inget gak gue bilang gue mau kasih tau sesuatu tapi unfortunately gue lupa terus ngepost di blog. Maybe this is the right moment. (yeah right, 'moment' lmao)

i kept on thinking bout this fact.
that people do change, as the time goes by.
by their outerlook, their inner look.
its like living in a different dimension.
i know, odd. i thought i do stay constant.
but then, hey, i changed too. a lot.

like you can say.
i do have a lot of friends in year 2007 like so close to them. even i got a surprise bday party from everyone i know @ my grade, even gifts. its weird.
but i was a crap to my family (i think)

in 2008, i dont know why but i dont have a friend. well i do have bestfriends. a few.
and i didnt even notice. weird eh? and i had my best ideal weight. but at the end of year 2008, i gain so much pounds. and i dont even got any birthday wishes/gifts. puberty is like a mystery to me. dont get it. really. and its even weirder that i posted this thing on internet- everyone could possibly read it in a bite. he.

2009- which is this year. i would like to fix all my mistakes. fix all the broken parts. HEY THIS IS ODD! and yes, i wanna be THAT close again with my family. be smart. be excellent. be close to all my buds. ganbate ne! jia you! ya fight! intinya itulah yang bersuara 'semangat'

yes and i noticed all of my friends i knew since a year or two.
the girls- they had changed a lot. their look. i noticed major of them wearing lenses- instead of specs. with cute eyeliner, good outfits, heels, skirts. its odd. truly. its like i've been sleeping for the whole year. i know, i cant stop saying the word 'weird'

the boys- they grew up (well not so much, but they did at least). walaupun masih banyak di angkatan gue yang masih maen PSP & Game online kalo class party, but they did grew up. they had girlfriends (well, not 'they' but a few) and their sissy voices somehow revolved/evolved/or wtv 'volve' turned so deep. and warm. i dont know.

hey why are we talking about something so serious today? i know, my posts are so much crazier than this one. hehe. SO LETS GET US WARMED UP AND CRAZEH!

see you next post
ilu indonesiaaaa

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