check these things out. major duper awsome kewllll :D
my favorite!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
quicky post and happy birthday sheany :)
hey its tuesday!! 29th sep 2009!
so.. happy birthdaaaaaaaaaaay girl! wish u all the luck and best in life :D
and just fyi, our Mr and Ms Universal is in the 16th of October.
and honestly, i dont wanna join. but we have to. sucks eh?
and ive been asking almost the whole lvl 10.
and i think only 15 out of 49 wants to go for it.
and the rest, like me, we dont want.
so. i came up with better ideas.
and what ideas are those? i'll not tell. takut kalo engga jadi kan malu di gue. hahahaa.
well. me & angel came up w the ideas. kalo jonathan ya paling ntar bantu ngomong hihhiih..
soo... just quicky post. see u bye! :*
so.. happy birthdaaaaaaaaaaay girl! wish u all the luck and best in life :D
and just fyi, our Mr and Ms Universal is in the 16th of October.
and honestly, i dont wanna join. but we have to. sucks eh?
and ive been asking almost the whole lvl 10.
and i think only 15 out of 49 wants to go for it.
and the rest, like me, we dont want.
so. i came up with better ideas.
and what ideas are those? i'll not tell. takut kalo engga jadi kan malu di gue. hahahaa.
well. me & angel came up w the ideas. kalo jonathan ya paling ntar bantu ngomong hihhiih..
soo... just quicky post. see u bye! :*
FAME trailer :*
I. Cant. Wait. To. Watch. Fame!
i think it's gonna be superhawttttttttttttttttttttttttt!
well, its out in USA and Canada already thou.
but hello, where the hell am i?
havent post the trailer yet. oops sorry :D:D thou comments said that the older version one is better. uhm whatevs. enjoyyy
i think it's gonna be superhawttttttttttttttttttttttttt!
well, its out in USA and Canada already thou.
but hello, where the hell am i?
havent post the trailer yet. oops sorry :D:D thou comments said that the older version one is better. uhm whatevs. enjoyyy
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
pembicaraan baku bahasa indonesia dan chat bersama cece
baiklah teman-teman.
2 hari lagi saya akan mengikuti ujian oral bahasa indonesia.
dan di ujian tersebut saya harus berbicara bahasa indonesia yang formal dan baku.
saya tidak boleh menggunakan kata2 jahanam seperti "aku, kamu, enggak, bego, tolol, bangsat" ya. seperti itu.
tadi saya berchatting bersama kakak saya Febry di china.
saya butuh latihan yang banyak. karena saya tidak yakin bisa mendapatkan nilai sempurna di ulangan nanti. berikut adalah percakapan saya dengannya.
[10:38:16 PM] cindy: ce bantuin dong
[10:38:24 PM] cindy: maksud saya, bisakah anda membantu saya
[10:38:26 PM] cindy: untuk berlatih
[10:38:34 PM] cindy: tes oral bahasa saya yang akan datang lusa
[10:38:48 PM] Febry: cc lg belajar cin
[10:38:56 PM] Febry: ga bisa nih.. bsk ada test jg
[10:39:07 PM] cindy: baiklah. maafkan saya. bolehkah saya tau tes apa?
[10:39:15 PM] Febry: cin. geli ah
[10:39:24 PM] cindy: saya harus bicara seperti ini.....
[10:39:29 PM] Febry: kalopun gue kasih tau , lu jg ga bakal tau
[10:39:32 PM] cindy: saya sebenarnya tidak mau
[10:39:38 PM] cindy: aduhhhhh gimana ya biar gak sinetron
[10:39:46 PM] Febry: yauda kali. lu lebay kadang
[10:39:50 PM] Febry: jgn lebay!
[10:39:53 PM] cindy: oke!
[10:39:53 PM] Febry: nyantai aja
[10:39:57 PM] cindy: sep
[10:40:00 PM] Febry: byee
[10:40:02 PM] cindy: bye
haha. tolol sekali bukan? ups. saya tidak boleh menggunakan kata 'tolol'
yasudah lah kalau memang ini nasib saya.
oh ya hanya untuk informasi, saya hari ini pergi ke rumah emily pukul 4 sore untuk membuat peer. namun, kami malah bermain UNOSTAKK bersama adikya strauss.
sangat seru. lalu kami bermain kartu 'tepuk nyamuk'. sangat seru, namun tak ada nyamuk yang tewas. sungguh menyedihkan.
baiklah. besok saya akan sekolah. wish me luck. doakan saya good luck. terimakasih dan sampai jumpa.
cium dan peluk
cindy marshall
2 hari lagi saya akan mengikuti ujian oral bahasa indonesia.
dan di ujian tersebut saya harus berbicara bahasa indonesia yang formal dan baku.
saya tidak boleh menggunakan kata2 jahanam seperti "aku, kamu, enggak, bego, tolol, bangsat" ya. seperti itu.
tadi saya berchatting bersama kakak saya Febry di china.
saya butuh latihan yang banyak. karena saya tidak yakin bisa mendapatkan nilai sempurna di ulangan nanti. berikut adalah percakapan saya dengannya.
[10:38:16 PM] cindy: ce bantuin dong
[10:38:24 PM] cindy: maksud saya, bisakah anda membantu saya
[10:38:26 PM] cindy: untuk berlatih
[10:38:34 PM] cindy: tes oral bahasa saya yang akan datang lusa
[10:38:48 PM] Febry: cc lg belajar cin
[10:38:56 PM] Febry: ga bisa nih.. bsk ada test jg
[10:39:07 PM] cindy: baiklah. maafkan saya. bolehkah saya tau tes apa?
[10:39:15 PM] Febry: cin. geli ah
[10:39:24 PM] cindy: saya harus bicara seperti ini.....
[10:39:29 PM] Febry: kalopun gue kasih tau , lu jg ga bakal tau
[10:39:32 PM] cindy: saya sebenarnya tidak mau
[10:39:38 PM] cindy: aduhhhhh gimana ya biar gak sinetron
[10:39:46 PM] Febry: yauda kali. lu lebay kadang
[10:39:50 PM] Febry: jgn lebay!
[10:39:53 PM] cindy: oke!
[10:39:53 PM] Febry: nyantai aja
[10:39:57 PM] cindy: sep
[10:40:00 PM] Febry: byee
[10:40:02 PM] cindy: bye
haha. tolol sekali bukan? ups. saya tidak boleh menggunakan kata 'tolol'
yasudah lah kalau memang ini nasib saya.
oh ya hanya untuk informasi, saya hari ini pergi ke rumah emily pukul 4 sore untuk membuat peer. namun, kami malah bermain UNOSTAKK bersama adikya strauss.
sangat seru. lalu kami bermain kartu 'tepuk nyamuk'. sangat seru, namun tak ada nyamuk yang tewas. sungguh menyedihkan.
baiklah. besok saya akan sekolah. wish me luck. doakan saya good luck. terimakasih dan sampai jumpa.
cium dan peluk
cindy marshall
Saturday, September 26, 2009
indonesian vs malay
a friend of mine bbm-ed me around 12:36pm (wib) on 23rd Sep 2009
its actually umm.. funny. indonesians, read it.
Bukti kurang kreatifnya mereka yang di malaysia
Bahasia Indonesia Vs. Malay
Indonesia: Kementerian Agama
Malaysia: Kementerian Tak Berdosa
Indonesia: Angkatan Darat
Malaysia: Laskar Hentak-Hentak Bumi (kalo laut, hentak2 air kali yah hahaha)
Indonesia: Angkatan Udara
Malaysia: Laskar Angin-Angin (hahaha kaya mau masuk angin)
Indonesia: "Pasukan Bubar, Jalan!"
Malaysia: "Pasukan cerai berai!"
Indonesia: Merayap
Malaysia: Bersetubuh dengan bumi (err, carnyaaa..?)
Indonesia: Rumah Sakit Bersalin
Malaysia: Rumah sakit korban lelaki
Indonesia: Belok Kiri, Belok Kanan
Malaysia: Pusing kiri, Pusing kanan (krik krik krik pusinggggggg? hello)
Indonesia: Departemen Pertanian
Malaysia:Departemen Cucuk Tanah
Indonesia: Gratis bicara 30 menit
Malaysia: Percuma berbual 30 minit
Indonesia: Satpam/Sekuriti
Malaysia: Penunggu Maling (hahahaha no offense tapi ini sedikit lucu)
Indonesia: Joystick
Malaysia: Batang Senang (sekalian aja tongkat gembira)
Indonesia: Tidur Siang
Malaysia: Petang Telentang (kalo malem brarti "gelap tengkurep"?)
Indonesia: Tank
Malaysia: Kereta Kebal
Indonesia: Kedatangan
Malaysia: Ketibaan (untung bukan ketiban)
Indonesia: Rumah sakit jiwa
Malaysia: Gubuk Gila
Indonesia: Dokter Ahli Jiwa
Malaysia: Dokter Gila (hahahahahhahaahahahahahaha kalo dokternya aja gila, pasiennya..?)
haha so thats it for the indonesian vs malay thingy lmaoooooo
see u. on phone with wilson right now. woohoo :P
its actually umm.. funny. indonesians, read it.
Bukti kurang kreatifnya mereka yang di malaysia
Bahasia Indonesia Vs. Malay
Indonesia: Kementerian Agama
Malaysia: Kementerian Tak Berdosa
Indonesia: Angkatan Darat
Malaysia: Laskar Hentak-Hentak Bumi (kalo laut, hentak2 air kali yah hahaha)
Indonesia: Angkatan Udara
Malaysia: Laskar Angin-Angin (hahaha kaya mau masuk angin)
Indonesia: "Pasukan Bubar, Jalan!"
Malaysia: "Pasukan cerai berai!"
Indonesia: Merayap
Malaysia: Bersetubuh dengan bumi (err, carnyaaa..?)
Indonesia: Rumah Sakit Bersalin
Malaysia: Rumah sakit korban lelaki
Indonesia: Belok Kiri, Belok Kanan
Malaysia: Pusing kiri, Pusing kanan (krik krik krik pusinggggggg? hello)
Indonesia: Departemen Pertanian
Malaysia:Departemen Cucuk Tanah
Indonesia: Gratis bicara 30 menit
Malaysia: Percuma berbual 30 minit
Indonesia: Satpam/Sekuriti
Malaysia: Penunggu Maling (hahahaha no offense tapi ini sedikit lucu)
Indonesia: Joystick
Malaysia: Batang Senang (sekalian aja tongkat gembira)
Indonesia: Tidur Siang
Malaysia: Petang Telentang (kalo malem brarti "gelap tengkurep"?)
Indonesia: Tank
Malaysia: Kereta Kebal
Indonesia: Kedatangan
Malaysia: Ketibaan (untung bukan ketiban)
Indonesia: Rumah sakit jiwa
Malaysia: Gubuk Gila
Indonesia: Dokter Ahli Jiwa
Malaysia: Dokter Gila (hahahahahhahaahahahahahaha kalo dokternya aja gila, pasiennya..?)
haha so thats it for the indonesian vs malay thingy lmaoooooo
see u. on phone with wilson right now. woohoo :P
Lebaran summary
kay. lebaran holidays.
its surprisingly the best holiday (so far) this year.
well, for some reasons it is!
like.. being free for the whole week.
being officially alone (parents off to other country for vacation, my bigger sister is in studying in China and my little sister is sleeping over in my aunty's house)
i can do whatever i want.
i have no chores to do. my maid is not going home, she prefers not to.
its better, than the 2-months holiday i had in June-July 2009.
its totally like heaven. difference is, i felt lonely sometimes, and things dont quite go well as expected.
and yeah. living in my room is like living in a personal house, my very own.
i get to lock it (hahaha) and i can do whatever i feel like. duh.
the whole week ive been keluyuran and roaming around like crazeh.
on saturday, 19th of sep:
my parents are off to somewhere in the world for another honeymoon, i think. so i decided just to stay at home and not to go to places thou yudi's in town that time and we'd (angel and mua) love to meet him at GI. he's in love with Dairy Queen. haha.
and my moms friend which is banci is staying at home, but i have no idea why.
its not like im sex-discriminating her. but i just dont really like her.
i love kak ivan. people say he's banci. but i loveeeeeeeeeee him. mucho hearto for u :)
but not for that tante. she even scolded Mbak Ani for no specific reason. i'll tell u why.
on 20th of sep:
its sunday. i even forgot what did i do. oh wait, i went to Emily's house to pick her up, then off to Emporium Pluit.. i think.. and btw, on saturday Michelle left already for the sleepover.
21th of sep:
monday, its peace-one-day day and im off to pick emily again.
went to GrandIndonesia. nothing too fancy. went windows shopping at forever21.
got bored, then off to Sency.
hugeeeeee probability of meeting Kak Ivan Gunawan :) but didnt get to see him
we saw wilson instead haha with his family, of course. ate yogurts.
22th of sep:
tuesday and I THINK i went to mangdu with emily.
hahaha :D and i think si 'tante' udah mulai kesel with my absence in house.
hey! dont blame me! i never tell that i want u to stayy.
23rd of sep:
totally going nowhere. its a plain wedneday, u say.
24th of sep:
thursday went to angie's <3 met evan jeremiah (angie's lil cute brotha) woot woot
25th of sep FRIDAY:
Grand Indo with Felicia & Fransisca. Met Emily and Vivian few mins before leaving the mall.
Bought a woven top from Forever21. Discounted stuff. I love discount. hahha.
26th of Sep..which is TODAY. and today is Saturday:
went nowhere. planned to go to Ancient Town near Fransisca's at around 1 or 12pm. but she told me it wud be an extreme danger if i went there by myself. too much strangers.
but id loveeeeeeeee to take pics there. uh. i think mission cancelled at the moment.
hmmmmmmmmm yeah
see you next post. its about malaysia and its highlarious hahaha :P buhbye
and wait!
i forgot to tell. tante neti itu marah2 sama mbak ani.
dia panggil2 mba ani turun (kamar mba ani diatas)
dia blg "kamu kok diatas terus? aku tuh pingin ditemenin! jangan diatas terus dong! cindynya pergi2 terus sih!"
and mba ani blg aja "aku tuh nyetrika di atas. aku gak duduk2 aja"
gw denger dri mba ani, dan merasa tambah kesel ama si tante. omgggg i didnt tell u to stay. i dont even have blood relation with u. duh. and yes, gw lebih percaya sama mba ani. shes like my family already. she's a part of our fam.
and today dia blg ama mba ani "maaf ni..aku kmaren ga marah2 ama kmu" krik krik bgt gak sih! ckkckc
okay. goodbye for real peeps.
its surprisingly the best holiday (so far) this year.
well, for some reasons it is!
like.. being free for the whole week.
being officially alone (parents off to other country for vacation, my bigger sister is in studying in China and my little sister is sleeping over in my aunty's house)
i can do whatever i want.
i have no chores to do. my maid is not going home, she prefers not to.
its better, than the 2-months holiday i had in June-July 2009.
its totally like heaven. difference is, i felt lonely sometimes, and things dont quite go well as expected.
and yeah. living in my room is like living in a personal house, my very own.
i get to lock it (hahaha) and i can do whatever i feel like. duh.
the whole week ive been keluyuran and roaming around like crazeh.
on saturday, 19th of sep:
my parents are off to somewhere in the world for another honeymoon, i think. so i decided just to stay at home and not to go to places thou yudi's in town that time and we'd (angel and mua) love to meet him at GI. he's in love with Dairy Queen. haha.
and my moms friend which is banci is staying at home, but i have no idea why.
its not like im sex-discriminating her. but i just dont really like her.
i love kak ivan. people say he's banci. but i loveeeeeeeeeee him. mucho hearto for u :)
but not for that tante. she even scolded Mbak Ani for no specific reason. i'll tell u why.
on 20th of sep:
its sunday. i even forgot what did i do. oh wait, i went to Emily's house to pick her up, then off to Emporium Pluit.. i think.. and btw, on saturday Michelle left already for the sleepover.
21th of sep:
monday, its peace-one-day day and im off to pick emily again.
went to GrandIndonesia. nothing too fancy. went windows shopping at forever21.
got bored, then off to Sency.
hugeeeeee probability of meeting Kak Ivan Gunawan :) but didnt get to see him
we saw wilson instead haha with his family, of course. ate yogurts.
22th of sep:
tuesday and I THINK i went to mangdu with emily.
hahaha :D and i think si 'tante' udah mulai kesel with my absence in house.
hey! dont blame me! i never tell that i want u to stayy.
23rd of sep:
totally going nowhere. its a plain wedneday, u say.
24th of sep:
thursday went to angie's <3 met evan jeremiah (angie's lil cute brotha) woot woot
25th of sep FRIDAY:
Grand Indo with Felicia & Fransisca. Met Emily and Vivian few mins before leaving the mall.
Bought a woven top from Forever21. Discounted stuff. I love discount. hahha.
26th of Sep..which is TODAY. and today is Saturday:
went nowhere. planned to go to Ancient Town near Fransisca's at around 1 or 12pm. but she told me it wud be an extreme danger if i went there by myself. too much strangers.
but id loveeeeeeeee to take pics there. uh. i think mission cancelled at the moment.
hmmmmmmmmm yeah
see you next post. its about malaysia and its highlarious hahaha :P buhbye
and wait!
i forgot to tell. tante neti itu marah2 sama mbak ani.
dia panggil2 mba ani turun (kamar mba ani diatas)
dia blg "kamu kok diatas terus? aku tuh pingin ditemenin! jangan diatas terus dong! cindynya pergi2 terus sih!"
and mba ani blg aja "aku tuh nyetrika di atas. aku gak duduk2 aja"
gw denger dri mba ani, dan merasa tambah kesel ama si tante. omgggg i didnt tell u to stay. i dont even have blood relation with u. duh. and yes, gw lebih percaya sama mba ani. shes like my family already. she's a part of our fam.
and today dia blg ama mba ani "maaf ni..aku kmaren ga marah2 ama kmu" krik krik bgt gak sih! ckkckc
okay. goodbye for real peeps.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Indonesian Arch Angels
hey, just got a message from Indonesian Arch Angel via FB
here's the message
Hey IAA,
Bersama ini mengundang teman2 Indonesian Arch Angels untuk mengikuti Twitter Party.
Apa itu Twitter Party ? Nah di acara ini kita bakal nge-tweet #indonesiawantsdavidarchie di twitter.
Hashtag #indonesiawantsdavidarchie harap dicantumkan saat temen2 meng-update status ataupun me-reply tweet dari seseorang.
Misalnya saat meng-update status di twitter :
Lagi dengerin Zero Gravity #indonesiawantsdavidarchie
Atau reply pesan ke teman kita :
@namauser jadi beli albumnya david ga ? #indonesiawantsdavidarchie
Nah kira2 seperti itu. Untuk isi tweetnya bebas aja, tapi jangan lupa cantumkan #indonesiawantsdavidarchie di setiap tweet-nya.
Supaya lebih terkoordinasi, kita mulai Twitter Party pada :
Hari : Sabtu, 26 september 2009
Jam : 20.00 ( 8 malam )
Hashtag : #indonesiawantsdavidarchie
Anggap aja Twitter Party ini sebagai wadah kita untuk kumpul-kumpul di twitter world. hehe Kalaupun misalnya ini menjadi Trending Topic, itu adalah side effect atau bonus dari usaha kita :)
Oiya jangan lupa untuk mengajak sebanyak mungkin teman, semakin banyak semakin baik. Kalo 1 orang mengajak 10 orang, 10 orang kan bisa jadi 100 orang. Hehe
Belum Punya twitter account ? Silahkan daftar dulu disini
Ada pertanyaan atau mau bertukar account twitter ? silahkan postingan :
a quick post. buhbye!
here's the message
Hey IAA,
Bersama ini mengundang teman2 Indonesian Arch Angels untuk mengikuti Twitter Party.
Apa itu Twitter Party ? Nah di acara ini kita bakal nge-tweet #indonesiawantsdavidarchie di twitter.
Hashtag #indonesiawantsdavidarchie harap dicantumkan saat temen2 meng-update status ataupun me-reply tweet dari seseorang.
Misalnya saat meng-update status di twitter :
Lagi dengerin Zero Gravity #indonesiawantsdavidarchie
Atau reply pesan ke teman kita :
@namauser jadi beli albumnya david ga ? #indonesiawantsdavidarchie
Nah kira2 seperti itu. Untuk isi tweetnya bebas aja, tapi jangan lupa cantumkan #indonesiawantsdavidarchie di setiap tweet-nya.
Supaya lebih terkoordinasi, kita mulai Twitter Party pada :
Hari : Sabtu, 26 september 2009
Jam : 20.00 ( 8 malam )
Hashtag : #indonesiawantsdavidarchie
Anggap aja Twitter Party ini sebagai wadah kita untuk kumpul-kumpul di twitter world. hehe Kalaupun misalnya ini menjadi Trending Topic, itu adalah side effect atau bonus dari usaha kita :)
Oiya jangan lupa untuk mengajak sebanyak mungkin teman, semakin banyak semakin baik. Kalo 1 orang mengajak 10 orang, 10 orang kan bisa jadi 100 orang. Hehe
Belum Punya twitter account ? Silahkan daftar dulu disini
Ada pertanyaan atau mau bertukar account twitter ? silahkan postingan :
a quick post. buhbye!
Valentine's Day (Upcoming Movie, 2010)
wohoo.. valentine's day!
its gonna be the movie of the year 2010, i think!
look at all the casts... they're so fricken amazing!
the senior actors and actresses, you knoww..
these beautiful humans are going to be in a movie, together.
Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba, Bradley Cooper ("he's just not that into you" as the hottie married guy), Ashton Kutcher, Alex Williams, Julia Roberts, Jamie Foxx, Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Garner, Patrick Dempsey, Emma Roberts, Taylor Swift, Taylor Lautner, Queen Latifah, Topher Grace, Carter Jenkins, Eric Dane, Shirley MacLaine and Hector Elizondo.
i mean, wow. am so going to watch it on cinemas.
It will be released on February 12 in Canada and the United States. 2 days right before Valentine's Day. Directed by Garry Marshall. Double excitement.
and am crossing fingers, for the movie to come out here in Indonesia just as the same date.
ahhhh cant wait!! i loveeeeeeee all the casts. Not much for Taylor Lautner & Jamie Foxx though. But whatever. Cant wait!
See you babes and dudes and check the trailer! its sooooo good and fascinating!
so good byeee :*
its gonna be the movie of the year 2010, i think!
look at all the casts... they're so fricken amazing!
the senior actors and actresses, you knoww..
these beautiful humans are going to be in a movie, together.
Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba, Bradley Cooper ("he's just not that into you" as the hottie married guy), Ashton Kutcher, Alex Williams, Julia Roberts, Jamie Foxx, Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Garner, Patrick Dempsey, Emma Roberts, Taylor Swift, Taylor Lautner, Queen Latifah, Topher Grace, Carter Jenkins, Eric Dane, Shirley MacLaine and Hector Elizondo.
i mean, wow. am so going to watch it on cinemas.
It will be released on February 12 in Canada and the United States. 2 days right before Valentine's Day. Directed by Garry Marshall. Double excitement.
and am crossing fingers, for the movie to come out here in Indonesia just as the same date.
ahhhh cant wait!! i loveeeeeeee all the casts. Not much for Taylor Lautner & Jamie Foxx though. But whatever. Cant wait!
See you babes and dudes and check the trailer! its sooooo good and fascinating!
so good byeee :*
Carter Mark Jenkins
my current obsession right now: Carter Mark Jenkins.
was in love at the first sight with him after watching the movie "Aliens In The Attic"
cant describe more. just watch the movie and u'll be stunned like i do.
he's 18. born in the 4th September 1991. American actor.
he had been playing in some TV series, thats why we dont know much about him.
Well, his name is pretty familiar. For me.
Another ZUPEREXCITING fact is that he is IN the movie VALENTINE'S DAY (2010)
I mean like... Oh My Gosh.
Valentine's Day is like going to be the years number one movie next year (after Eclipse, maybe. Who knows?)
*am posting about valentine's day in the next post*
P.S I LOVE CARTER ha ha ha :*
was in love at the first sight with him after watching the movie "Aliens In The Attic"
cant describe more. just watch the movie and u'll be stunned like i do.
he's 18. born in the 4th September 1991. American actor.
he had been playing in some TV series, thats why we dont know much about him.
Well, his name is pretty familiar. For me.
Another ZUPEREXCITING fact is that he is IN the movie VALENTINE'S DAY (2010)
I mean like... Oh My Gosh.
Valentine's Day is like going to be the years number one movie next year (after Eclipse, maybe. Who knows?)
*am posting about valentine's day in the next post*
P.S I LOVE CARTER ha ha ha :*

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
2 am post (random bgt blognya ga usah dibaca)
i know its like super late. its umm, 2 am here in Jakarta, Indonesia (GMT+7)
and i just watched Marley and Me. Go laugh gara2 gua baru nonton. Hm iya.
I dont feel like talking english all the time. Jadi gw mau campur2x indo ajadeh lagi males bgt.
About the movie. Bagus. Sedih. Itu fakta ya?
Gw pas nonton filmnya jadi keinget Honey.
Honey itu anjing pertama gw, Golden Retriever. Meninggal tgl 18 Jan 2008. Gw beli 6 hari sebelum meninggal. And dont blame me. Blame my sister(s) for buying the dog by the jakartans unhygenic streets. I said no. But they say gak ada bedanya. Dan fyi, mereka pergi2 terus keluar2 rumah dan gua SELALU ada dirumah jagain anjingnya dan bersihin pup dan kencingnya. Aduh kok jadi marah2 gw. Maaf kebawa emosi abis ntn Marley and Me.HEHEHE.
ngelihat hidup Jenny & John. Kayaknya mereka bahagia banget. Kapan ya gw bs punya keluarga yang bahagia kaya mereka. 2 adults, 3 kids, and 1 dog. All happy. Pas ngeliat Jenny & John lagi 'at its moment' sengsara dan super exhausted with life, menurut gw itu normal bgt. Pasti setiap rumah tangga ngerasain yang namanya itu. Maybe that answers the question why do we need a partner in life.
HADUHHHHHHHHH udah jam 2 malem maklum gw udah gatau dehhh uda ngelantur kemana2 hahahahahahah gak jelas dehhhhhhhhhh yauda deh gw besok mau ke rumah angel buat bikin peer accounts, eco and other disgusting subjects so stick around!
mwah! bye (k)
and i just watched Marley and Me. Go laugh gara2 gua baru nonton. Hm iya.
I dont feel like talking english all the time. Jadi gw mau campur2x indo ajadeh lagi males bgt.
About the movie. Bagus. Sedih. Itu fakta ya?
Gw pas nonton filmnya jadi keinget Honey.
Honey itu anjing pertama gw, Golden Retriever. Meninggal tgl 18 Jan 2008. Gw beli 6 hari sebelum meninggal. And dont blame me. Blame my sister(s) for buying the dog by the jakartans unhygenic streets. I said no. But they say gak ada bedanya. Dan fyi, mereka pergi2 terus keluar2 rumah dan gua SELALU ada dirumah jagain anjingnya dan bersihin pup dan kencingnya. Aduh kok jadi marah2 gw. Maaf kebawa emosi abis ntn Marley and Me.HEHEHE.
ngelihat hidup Jenny & John. Kayaknya mereka bahagia banget. Kapan ya gw bs punya keluarga yang bahagia kaya mereka. 2 adults, 3 kids, and 1 dog. All happy. Pas ngeliat Jenny & John lagi 'at its moment' sengsara dan super exhausted with life, menurut gw itu normal bgt. Pasti setiap rumah tangga ngerasain yang namanya itu. Maybe that answers the question why do we need a partner in life.
HADUHHHHHHHHH udah jam 2 malem maklum gw udah gatau dehhh uda ngelantur kemana2 hahahahahahah gak jelas dehhhhhhhhhh yauda deh gw besok mau ke rumah angel buat bikin peer accounts, eco and other disgusting subjects so stick around!
mwah! bye (k)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Joko Anwar and circle K
a super funny thing happened in the twitterverse last night (00.05 wib GMT+7)
so, there's this movie director Joko Anwar from Indonesia.
his tweets..
If I got my 3000th follower today, I'll go into a Circle K naked.1:56 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
#thankugod for twitter. But I'll believe in You if You shut it down just for today.2:32 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
Please God, I'll be a good moslem, christian, buddhist, scientologist, whatever. Just don't let me flash my flabby flesh in Circle K2:54 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
Ok. It looks like it's gonna happen. Damn youuuu...!!! I'll do it at night, ok?? Happy?????2:56 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
I hope you all will puke to see the pics tomorrow. :)))2:57 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
Damn. It's so hard to get people to watch my movies, yet it's so easy to make people want to see me naked. Just wait for pics tonight.3:13 PM Sep 22nd from web
Have mercy. Let me do it at night. You'll get the pics when you wake up tomorrow. Promise. *crying while doing push-up*3:16 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
Meeting @zekekhaseli @tigerlilybubu and @leonardoringo tonight for the execution. *damn damn damn*3:37 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
Apaaa??? Circle K, yo! RT @lomocotive: Ini beneran nih,kalo follower @jokoanwar sampe 5000 dia mau naked di PIM?3:38 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
It's gonna happen you tweeps. No worry.4:19 PM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter
Be patient. Looking for the right Circle K.6:17 PM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter
With @zekekhaseli @tigerlilybubu @leonardoringo making a battle plan.7:49 PM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter
Please guys, I'm otw to a Circle K now. Be patient. Live reports from @tigerlilybubu @culapo @leonardoringo @zekekhaseli @molskee@ramaadiabout 22 hours ago from UberTwitter
We're here. I'm going in...about 20 hours ago from UberTwitter
A promise is a promise, Mr. Politicians! . :) 20 hours ago from UberTwitter
Thanku @bangpani @tigerlilybubu @culapo @molskee@zekekhaseli @cicisuciati @ramaadi for the help. :)
#thankugod for twitter. But I'll believe in You if You shut it down just for today.2:32 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
Please God, I'll be a good moslem, christian, buddhist, scientologist, whatever. Just don't let me flash my flabby flesh in Circle K2:54 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
Ok. It looks like it's gonna happen. Damn youuuu...!!! I'll do it at night, ok?? Happy?????2:56 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
I hope you all will puke to see the pics tomorrow. :)))2:57 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
Damn. It's so hard to get people to watch my movies, yet it's so easy to make people want to see me naked. Just wait for pics tonight.3:13 PM Sep 22nd from web
Have mercy. Let me do it at night. You'll get the pics when you wake up tomorrow. Promise. *crying while doing push-up*3:16 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
Meeting @zekekhaseli @tigerlilybubu and @leonardoringo tonight for the execution. *damn damn damn*3:37 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
Apaaa??? Circle K, yo! RT @lomocotive: Ini beneran nih,kalo follower @jokoanwar sampe 5000 dia mau naked di PIM?3:38 PM Sep 22nd from TweetDeck
It's gonna happen you tweeps. No worry.4:19 PM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter
Be patient. Looking for the right Circle K.6:17 PM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter
With @zekekhaseli @tigerlilybubu @leonardoringo making a battle plan.7:49 PM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter
Please guys, I'm otw to a Circle K now. Be patient. Live reports from @tigerlilybubu @culapo @leonardoringo @zekekhaseli @molskee@ramaadiabout 22 hours ago from UberTwitter
We're here. I'm going in...about 20 hours ago from UberTwitter
A promise is a promise, Mr. Politicians! . :) 20 hours ago from UberTwitter
Thanku @bangpani @tigerlilybubu @culapo @molskee@zekekhaseli @cicisuciati @ramaadi for the help. :)
lol.. and @radityadika's tweets..
People, immediately follow @jokoanwar!!! If he got 3000 followers today, he will go to Circle K naked. This is interesting. Mhuahahaha.4:21 PM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter
Yes. Follow @jokoanwar to see his tweet-tit in Circle K. Don't ask me about discounts.4:23 PM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter
and many more of raditya dika's tweets just click HEREahhaa and here's the pic :P yeah, censored, of course.
circle(d) K
haha okay thats it. sorry for the lame o blog. doesnt feel like blogging for today.actually i was feeling to post this like at 1 am.. right after the incident happensbut i was just too sleepy to post it. Maybe Sheany's right. Looking at the photo makes u sleepy. lol.. okayyyy im so lazy
p.s WENT TO MANGDU WITH EMILY (again) FOR SOME SHOPPING. TOO BAD DIDNT GET WHAT I REALLY WANT :( hahahahaha so next time? hmm okaybye! :)
Yes. Follow @jokoanwar to see his tweet-tit in Circle K. Don't ask me about discounts.4:23 PM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter
and many more of raditya dika's tweets just click HEREahhaa and here's the pic :P yeah, censored, of course.

haha okay thats it. sorry for the lame o blog. doesnt feel like blogging for today.actually i was feeling to post this like at 1 am.. right after the incident happensbut i was just too sleepy to post it. Maybe Sheany's right. Looking at the photo makes u sleepy. lol.. okayyyy im so lazy
p.s WENT TO MANGDU WITH EMILY (again) FOR SOME SHOPPING. TOO BAD DIDNT GET WHAT I REALLY WANT :( hahahahaha so next time? hmm okaybye! :)
sedikit curhat
liburan lebaran tanpa rasa.
beneran deh, bisa dibilang pait, sedikit asem-asem juga. manis dikit lah.
kenapa? liburan gw sepi bangeeet..
giniloh.. nyokap bokap gw out of country, kayaknya mereka lagi ada re-honeymoon.
febry marshall-kakak gw.. hmm dont ask. udah tau jawabannya kan? hehe.
michelle marshall-adek gw yang sedikit engga bertanggung jawab lagi nginep dirumah sepupu.
so i'm so home alone..
(ada embak ani dan tante neti sih. but i dont think they count. nongol aja jarang bgt)
seneng gak sih gw dirumah sendirian? hmm seneng ya seneng sih. bahkan zuperexcited.
ngerasain freedom yang gak ada batasnya.
mau pergi jam berapa aja engga ada yang ngelarang.
duit, udah dikasih. pake ya pake aja. hehe.
transportasi emang kadang engga ada. tp kalo ada duit kan brarti tinggal panggil taxi, bajaj,dll.
pertama, gw excited banget.
"wah, bisa ngegaul sama temen2 dong selama liburan. asoy nih"
gue lupa sesuatu. gw sih bisa pergi2. emg temen2 gw bisa? itu aja sih.
aduh kok aku jadi curhat ya? heheheh.. gakpapa deh, kayaknya juga gak ada yg baca blog aku.
gw udah planning buat pergi foto2 dengan NikonD3000 gw malah.
"pasti bakalan seru abis deh"
tapi kayaknya salah banget. ujung2nya gw malah ngeluyur ke mall2 sama emily.
emily aja gw culik terus. mau jujur gw gak enak bgt sama nyokap bokapnya.
aduh, jadi serba salah.
pingin banget jalan sama angel. tapi rumahnya dimana coba :(
trus she prefer staying at home bantu2 nyokapnya rather than jalan2, money-wasting.. gw jadi gak enak kalo culik dia.. (p.s culik maksudnya anter jemput dan ya.. selfexplain kan haha)
kalo gw jalan ama wilson doang, who knows, nanti pasti banyak gosip2 engga enak.
sooooooooo yeah..
i'll make a confession.
there u go. there i said it. deep down from my heart.
beneran deh, bisa dibilang pait, sedikit asem-asem juga. manis dikit lah.
kenapa? liburan gw sepi bangeeet..
giniloh.. nyokap bokap gw out of country, kayaknya mereka lagi ada re-honeymoon.
febry marshall-kakak gw.. hmm dont ask. udah tau jawabannya kan? hehe.
michelle marshall-adek gw yang sedikit engga bertanggung jawab lagi nginep dirumah sepupu.
so i'm so home alone..
(ada embak ani dan tante neti sih. but i dont think they count. nongol aja jarang bgt)
seneng gak sih gw dirumah sendirian? hmm seneng ya seneng sih. bahkan zuperexcited.
ngerasain freedom yang gak ada batasnya.
mau pergi jam berapa aja engga ada yang ngelarang.
duit, udah dikasih. pake ya pake aja. hehe.
transportasi emang kadang engga ada. tp kalo ada duit kan brarti tinggal panggil taxi, bajaj,dll.
pertama, gw excited banget.
"wah, bisa ngegaul sama temen2 dong selama liburan. asoy nih"
gue lupa sesuatu. gw sih bisa pergi2. emg temen2 gw bisa? itu aja sih.
aduh kok aku jadi curhat ya? heheheh.. gakpapa deh, kayaknya juga gak ada yg baca blog aku.
gw udah planning buat pergi foto2 dengan NikonD3000 gw malah.
"pasti bakalan seru abis deh"
tapi kayaknya salah banget. ujung2nya gw malah ngeluyur ke mall2 sama emily.
emily aja gw culik terus. mau jujur gw gak enak bgt sama nyokap bokapnya.
aduh, jadi serba salah.
pingin banget jalan sama angel. tapi rumahnya dimana coba :(
trus she prefer staying at home bantu2 nyokapnya rather than jalan2, money-wasting.. gw jadi gak enak kalo culik dia.. (p.s culik maksudnya anter jemput dan ya.. selfexplain kan haha)
kalo gw jalan ama wilson doang, who knows, nanti pasti banyak gosip2 engga enak.
sooooooooo yeah..
i'll make a confession.
there u go. there i said it. deep down from my heart.
dan maaf ce i've been acting like a total bitch. maklum lah anak muda. hehe.
i'm so fricken bored. kalo pergi ama temen juga ada batas jamnya. paling jam 6 udah pulang.
dirumah ngapain lagi men? ahhh..
i msn-ed michelle today
i msn-ed again
weellll honestly i'd like to stay outside home till 7 or 8 pm.
but i wont do that without a friend. kalo gak ada temen dikira gila kali nongkrong dimall sendirian. "l0Wz 93LozZx??" --> bahasa anak sok gaul.
so yeah. ada yang mau temenin?
eh tai bgt ya gw baca blog post ini dari awal ampe akhir.
kok kesannya gw sok gaul banget sih?
haha maklum. bener2 bosen to the max ni..
coba aja gw punya saudara kembar
pasti manteb bgt hahaha
yauda deh. enough sedih2 nya. back to reality! where i know that life is fun!
Doo da doo i love life :)
okay, see you later
i'm so fricken bored. kalo pergi ama temen juga ada batas jamnya. paling jam 6 udah pulang.
dirumah ngapain lagi men? ahhh..
i msn-ed michelle today
"kamu dimana?"
"di depok, bodong"
errrrrrr is that a way to treat ur bigger sister?i msn-ed again
"chelle, pulang yuk besok kita shopping :)"
then, no reply. yeah great. im talking to a statue, eh?weellll honestly i'd like to stay outside home till 7 or 8 pm.
but i wont do that without a friend. kalo gak ada temen dikira gila kali nongkrong dimall sendirian. "l0Wz 93LozZx??" --> bahasa anak sok gaul.
so yeah. ada yang mau temenin?
eh tai bgt ya gw baca blog post ini dari awal ampe akhir.
kok kesannya gw sok gaul banget sih?
haha maklum. bener2 bosen to the max ni..
coba aja gw punya saudara kembar
pasti manteb bgt hahaha
yauda deh. enough sedih2 nya. back to reality! where i know that life is fun!
Doo da doo i love life :)
okay, see you later
random tuesday, love talk
sometimes a relationship could be pretty confusing.
especially here, in Indonesia.Like. U had a friend of opposite sex. U go out with him/her just for a walk.
Then u came back and everyone started making fun of you with him/her, as if u had something with him/her. And that is very, very, very odd and yet.. norak
not only for a walk. maybe some technology communication like chatting or facebooking or things like that. woo, weird. they make notfunny gossips.
and what David Teru wrote on Facebook(image below). Is just true and right.
so, talk to you later.
Monday, September 21, 2009
See U In The Dark
You were always the girl
Who would give me girl advice whenever I needed it
My best friend in the world
My friends thought you were fine but I was always denyin’ it
Then one summer day
I saw you sitting by your swimming pool
And I was thinking damn you really changed
You’re not the little girl I used to know
You opened up my eyes
I see you walk across my room in
Nothing but the moonlight
Cause I love to see you in the dark (see you in the dark)
My window, frames you like a Monet
So don’t come back to bed yet
Cause I love to see you in the dark (see you in the dark)
I’ll never see you the same
The veil has been lifted, now I see you’re gifted
My whole perspective has changed
I don’t wanna go back cause I will always desire it
Don’t take another step
Near me just in case we have regrets
If tomorrow we go back to being friends
I’ll think about the way you looked tonight
You opened up my eyes
Maybe if you were someone else
I wouldn’t have to feel like this
I’m wondering how you feel about me now
Or was this just a friendly kiss
Cause I’m really seeing you for the first time
See U In The Dark - Honor Society
a very easy-to-be-stucked-in-your-head song and yeah its good!
heard angie and wilson sang it the other day
and am loving it
buy Honor Society's new album(Fashionably Late) to hear more from them!
see you! (in the dark) lol :P
Who would give me girl advice whenever I needed it
My best friend in the world
My friends thought you were fine but I was always denyin’ it
Then one summer day
I saw you sitting by your swimming pool
And I was thinking damn you really changed
You’re not the little girl I used to know
You opened up my eyes
I see you walk across my room in
Nothing but the moonlight
Cause I love to see you in the dark (see you in the dark)
My window, frames you like a Monet
So don’t come back to bed yet
Cause I love to see you in the dark (see you in the dark)
I’ll never see you the same
The veil has been lifted, now I see you’re gifted
My whole perspective has changed
I don’t wanna go back cause I will always desire it
Don’t take another step
Near me just in case we have regrets
If tomorrow we go back to being friends
I’ll think about the way you looked tonight
You opened up my eyes
Maybe if you were someone else
I wouldn’t have to feel like this
I’m wondering how you feel about me now
Or was this just a friendly kiss
Cause I’m really seeing you for the first time
See U In The Dark - Honor Society
a very easy-to-be-stucked-in-your-head song and yeah its good!
heard angie and wilson sang it the other day
and am loving it
buy Honor Society's new album(Fashionably Late) to hear more from them!
see you! (in the dark) lol :P
happy peace day with emily
yow. had an (another) awsomeeeeeeeee day with emilyyyyy <3
gak enak sama orangtuanya, i kidnapped her too much of times HAHAHA
okedeh gakpappa kan? ha
soooooooooooo. i got dressed up (using my sis' cardi, sorry hehe gua kan gapunya baju ceh) and went straight to em's house at 1 pm. we're goin to GrandIndonesia. Checked out Forever21 but bammmm its not the sale season so we didnt buy anything. Chatted with Wilson (via BBM) and he said he's going to Senayan City. So hey, the roads are clear and there's a HUGE PROBABILITY that Ivan Gunawan (imma hugeeeeeeeeee fan <3)>
so, went to Zara and all that and yuhuuuuuuu we catched a Taxi (blue bird, obvious) and went straight to Senayan City. I love when it is Lebaran. Roads are so...lebar and broad. uhuy. Paid 25thousand for the 15mins ride and totally entered the mall. Emily was craving for sour sally (i have no idea she loves the PLAIN NO TOPPING THINGY, its um..plain..) so we decided to buy sour sally, thou i want tutti frutti but im afraid i might lose control and pick too much.
entered Senayan City. called wilson (0817xxxxxxxx)
Me: Hey wil lo dimana?
Wilson: Umm.. Sency
Me: Err tau. Dimananya?
Wilson: brekseksekekek --> intinya gak kedengeran dan gak jelas dia ngomong apaan
Me: hah?? *tipikal orang indonesia. we dont say "PARDON?"
Wilson: Deket2 JCo
So Emily and I walk through the crowded lobby and didnt saw Wilson there. Hm, maybe he left the place already. Saw Tutti Frutti but it was crowded, as people are ordered to wait in the queue line. not fascinating. i hate queuing, but i love the yogurt :9
called wilson, again (as i thought he left the place already)
Me: Wil lo dimana sih?
Wilson: Um.... (dari nadanya kaya gak mau kasih tau)
Me: Dimana woy?
Wilson: Dideket JCo... (sepertinya dia ada perasaan engga enak)
HA! Okay. Saw him sitting near Sour Sally. He was with his family. And the little cute sister :)
AND HA! me and emily was like "HEEEEEY!" hahahahahah he was like "whaaa??" lol at ur reactionnnnnnnnnnnnnn omgosssssh :P
Emily and I said hi to his mom and Sese (the cute little sister) and then we said goodbye (off to the land of yogurts! jeng jeng SOUR SALLY)
then wilson bbm-ed me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, gua speechless. btw dimana?
Me: Sour Sally
Wilson: Oh okay
lol he was speechless gara2 he wasnt expecting that gw ama emily bener2 kesitu (sency). hey we're on a mission to see IvanGunawan, maaaaaaaaaan! :p
ordered 1 large plain no topping (em's) and 1 medium pinklicious with mix mochi plus chochips (mine) then im off to pay. theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen. si wilson dateng. i had a habit kalo abis bayar gak langsung masukin dompet. so i was holding my wallet. it's the wallet yang wilson kasih. yang item supergaoelzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Wilson ngomong (bukan bbm bukan msn, tapi ngomong beneran): Cie dompet baru
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA gua jadi maluuuuuuuuuuuuu then we bid goodbye. and off to do some windows shopping. eh kok jadi ngomongin si wilson sih? uhauhahua. pokoknya we say goodbye and me and em jalan2 lagi hihihi ngecengin cowok (hahaha mimpiiiiii)
cowok2 di sency sih cakep2 tapi gayanya ituloh sedikit gay -___________________-
we ate A LOT! i think imma go save money for tomorrow. no more money-spending :(
on wednesday i think i'm going to shop with kimmy at mangdu. yey!!
sooooooooo we ate sushi (again, aahh i cant hold it anymore) and frites and yogurts (fattening, i knoww..) okaaay i think imma go stay at home tomorroowww :(( or maybe chilling at angie's.
i. dont. know. havent. plan. things. out. for. tomorrow.
then off from the malls, to my house, to take my baby camera Nikon d3000. havent name her yet. suggestions? ha. then off to emily's to take some snapshots, also to bring her home.
sorry for kidnapping her tante and om hiihih..
took pics with Vivian Dior Lautan too! She's emily's little sister born this year.. so fragile and delicate. super cute <3
super ugly me. dont ask why.
my next mission: to take pics with Evan Jeremiah! (Angie's little brother, born this year too!)
many babies eh? :P so thats the end of our day, which falls on 21.09.09 AND WEIRDLY! its the International Peace Day! So it was funny and yet peaceful. If i go with u-kno-who maybe it'll end up being the International War Day, i guess. lol. End up with a picture. Emily looks gawjuz. as always.
muah (k)
see you later ppl!!
p.s : i totally miss my twinny brother Jonathan. and no, i'm not in love with him! kalo udah pulang bilang yaa bro gua butuh cerita2 sama luu okeokekeokekoe :D sip
and hey! check this video out. it's my friend's assignment on marketing. its funny. so, enjoy! bye!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Why do I just lie awake
And think of you
I need some sleep
Tomorrow I have things to do
Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face
So I try to read
But all I do is lose my place
Am I obsessed with you?
I do my best not to want you
But I do all the time, I do all the time
I just had to call you up and say hello
I know it's 3 a.m.
And I saw you a while ago
But I still had this aching need to hear your voice
To know you're there
I don't seem to have any choice
Oooo yeah
I'm so sorry I just had to wake you up
I feel so lonely by myself
Is this the way you feel when you're alone?
Or is it something else?
-Obsessed by Miley Cyrus-
And think of you
I need some sleep
Tomorrow I have things to do
Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face
So I try to read
But all I do is lose my place
Am I obsessed with you?
I do my best not to want you
But I do all the time, I do all the time
I just had to call you up and say hello
I know it's 3 a.m.
And I saw you a while ago
But I still had this aching need to hear your voice
To know you're there
I don't seem to have any choice
Oooo yeah
I'm so sorry I just had to wake you up
I feel so lonely by myself
Is this the way you feel when you're alone?
Or is it something else?
-Obsessed by Miley Cyrus-
Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin
had a day out with Emily Chloe Lautan today.
twas fun, only the two of us.
route: my house-> emily's -> mangdu -> emily's->my house
Actually our main plan was to shop at Mangga Dua, but unfortunately heard news that it's closed for today, because its Eid Mubarak day here. So Muslims tend to visit their family homes.Like Chinese New Year- difference is Chinese get to visit family houses.
So! We went to Emporium Pluit Mall! jeng jeng jeng jeng!
which makes the route: my house-> emily's -> empopluit -> emily's ->my house
Actually i really wanna go to GrandIndonesia/PlazaIndonesia. But we said that we're going to Mangdu. So i was really skrewed with only shirt and pants. jadi gtudeh.
Went to Em's house by Taxi, to pick her up. Then straight to Emporium Pluit.
Paid 75000 for it plus toll expense of 5500= 80,000
then, em said she wants to try Tutti Frutti but it seems that her love for Sour Sally's irreplaceable. Her yogurt: Plain LARGE with NO TOPPING.
that's her fave. i mean, why NO topping? she's like having an ice cream :P
then, we did some window shopping then off for TIMEZONE!
its been a while since i went there
and then off to SUSHI TEI! sushi, always my all-time favorite type of food :9
then off to home. cuz em gotta go. so yup. more eating haha
heading home, paid 71500 for taxi. insane.
hmmm i think thats better. let's try with busway next time (y).
too bad my other peeps cant come. like angie. she lives too far and her driver went back home.wilson. he's like so out of reach. i barely talk to him (i think) and i feel bad to bother him :( kevin. he's out of country. fransisca. she's....somewhere. idk
others...somewhere, i dont know. unreachable.
twinny jonathan-> he's in hongkonggggggggggg dude! dan ada yang salah paham nih jo. gotta tell you asap!
yup, they're out of reach bangetbanget. masa gua ngechill di mall sendirian?pathetic.
cari pacar ah...bosen hidup gua. HAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH okedeh.
talk to you later readaaaaaars <3
p.s it is the 20092009 todayyyyyyyyyy! and read the blog response of Febry Marshall. its hilarious. xoxo
twas fun, only the two of us.
route: my house-> emily's -> mangdu -> emily's->my house
Actually our main plan was to shop at Mangga Dua, but unfortunately heard news that it's closed for today, because its Eid Mubarak day here. So Muslims tend to visit their family homes.Like Chinese New Year- difference is Chinese get to visit family houses.
So! We went to Emporium Pluit Mall! jeng jeng jeng jeng!
which makes the route: my house-> emily's -> empopluit -> emily's ->my house
Actually i really wanna go to GrandIndonesia/PlazaIndonesia. But we said that we're going to Mangdu. So i was really skrewed with only shirt and pants. jadi gtudeh.
Went to Em's house by Taxi, to pick her up. Then straight to Emporium Pluit.
Paid 75000 for it plus toll expense of 5500= 80,000
then, em said she wants to try Tutti Frutti but it seems that her love for Sour Sally's irreplaceable. Her yogurt: Plain LARGE with NO TOPPING.
that's her fave. i mean, why NO topping? she's like having an ice cream :P
then, we did some window shopping then off for TIMEZONE!
its been a while since i went there
and then off to SUSHI TEI! sushi, always my all-time favorite type of food :9
then off to home. cuz em gotta go. so yup. more eating haha
heading home, paid 71500 for taxi. insane.
hmmm i think thats better. let's try with busway next time (y).
too bad my other peeps cant come. like angie. she lives too far and her driver went back home.wilson. he's like so out of reach. i barely talk to him (i think) and i feel bad to bother him :( kevin. he's out of country. fransisca. she's....somewhere. idk
others...somewhere, i dont know. unreachable.
twinny jonathan-> he's in hongkonggggggggggg dude! dan ada yang salah paham nih jo. gotta tell you asap!
yup, they're out of reach bangetbanget. masa gua ngechill di mall sendirian?pathetic.
cari pacar ah...bosen hidup gua. HAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH okedeh.
talk to you later readaaaaaars <3
p.s it is the 20092009 todayyyyyyyyyy! and read the blog response of Febry Marshall. its hilarious. xoxo
Saturday, September 19, 2009
febry marshall and super junior
two things that i thought would never combine. like water and oil.
and yes, no offense to you ceceh :P
and who the hell is Super Junior?
HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH look at those outfits. 'sexy' EH? Lmao!!!!!!!!
what do i know about them?
um, i know that they have this song "SORRY SORRY SORRY" and its kinda gayish.
dan mampusnya, kakak gua Febry Marshall CINTA MATI AMA MEREKAAAAAAAAAAAA OhMyGawt!
mate ajaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahhahhhahahahahaha!
and she's now interested in korean boys. matilaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
aduh lu suka sama Jesse McCartney lagi deh gak papa. plis jangan koreaaaaaaaaaaa mygawt.
i chatted with her on msn, dia lagi download lagu2 SUJU! MATILAH. (p.s: SUJU: superjunior)
no offense, tapi namanya gak banget.
ada yang namanya UNYUK.
hahaha sekalian aja namanya UNYIL.
okedeh. off i go.
sorry for all the SUJU-fans all over the world. I have the freedom of speech. So i tend to post this. And its late already. So, i'm getting hyper for moments. And its Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin in Indonesia. People say sorry and forgive every single mistake they did thru their lives. SO NO HARD FEELING OKAY :)
see youuhhhh haha :P
birthday photos #2
*continuation from the first post, but okay :)*
so, we went straight to my house cause i totally need to shower. i'm like wearing a shirt full of flour plus egg-perfumed. so i rushed up to the bathroom.
and emily's
my twilight poster in my room! althou its newmoonfever already, who doesnt love twilight?
i say jump! after all the showers and stuffs, we went straight to my family business' guesthouse Bunga Bunga, right beside my house. Splashes by the pool.
kampungishhh lol tapi katanya cakep hihihihi
me frans and em took noodles. feli prefer rice. both r yummi.
took some nighty picts. hope nothing would come out. he.
sorry fel im not a good photographer. but someday i will. amen.
chilling at guesthouse. then back to ma house. (house means room). took some emilypictures in my room. her obsession: entertainment. so, give it a shot shall we? :)
fun eh?
lets see what will they come up next year. or what will WE come up next year.
you guys are so punkd :p
see you.
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